Message 36607

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Rich going power crazy
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 20:32:18 +0100
On 11-Nov-99, Richard Drummond wrote:

> Dead threads:

> Suicidal Amigans. OK, enough of electrical theory for the insane. This is
> not the place for it. BTW, if you must quote formulae, at least get it
> right. 

Umm, its very relavant. 100's of people will be making their own 1200 tower,
now theres very few amiga user left, having the adventurous ones fried
while doing a transplant isnt the way to go at all

> (While Ben's away, the evil one holds sway . . .)

oh behave....

Mash - Officially classified Rich as Evil
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

Statisticians DO IT when it counts.

Message 36608

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: To Be or Not To Be...
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 21:04:08 +0100
On 09-Nov-99, Henry Chung wrote:

> - My Apollo 060 Card is still kept by Analogic. They don't reply my e-mail
> for 4 months.

Then phone them! Why are they keeping it? demand it back!

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

Oxymoron: True Confessions.

Message 36609

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Pronounce Amiga
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 21:01:23 +0100
On 09-Nov-99, Patrice Champarou wrote:

> Hello M.

> On 09-Nov-99, you wrote:

>> AM-ee-ga as in (unfortunately) A Meagre Computer 
>> That's how the Spanish pronounce it.

>  Sorry, you all ( replying to the first updated subject line I've found )
> but everyone seems to have missed my point. It's not a matter of how
> vowels sound;

I did, amEga

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

I am Barney of Borg. Sesame Street is irrelevant.

Message 36610

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Fun with CD-ROM's (was: manky miggy)
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 20:57:31 +0100
On 10-Nov-99, Alan L.M. Buxey wrote:

>> Wow!, cool :) never knew what the hole was for....

> back to OEM again...if you had a manual for that CD drive...

It was ripped out of a PC in a skip by the side of the corner store while
no-one was looking actually....

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

Scottish Kilt Patterns: Glen Pladd*

Message 36611

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amooga Format 131
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 20:44:23 +0100
On 11-Nov-99, Ben Vost wrote:

> Um. It's not on the next issue, but will probably be resumed at some
> point. What did you think of having the corner flash on the right instead
> of the left?

Personally that made all the difference to me, without it I'd have cancelled
my sub

>> Whos baby-like hands are those? (suspects colin...)

> You're right. He does all the AF washing up in Fairy, so he has hands that
> stay soft.

Does Evil Rich hide his nail file? ;) I liked the thing though, never
thought about hooking the 3a to my miggy

> Dunno, personally, since I'm an inveterate MOD hater...

tut tut tut tut.....

> It's not so much learning to do stuff as having knowledge of the stuff
> your Amiga does behind the scenes so you can manipulate it.

I agree with the other guy, I'm not following this tute at all

>> Hooray for the sleazy chatline adds in their glorius tacky-vision.

> You gotta love 'em...

Nice to see you kept the other bint for the subs page ;)

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

Geologists DO IT to get their rocks off.

Message 36612

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] More power hungry that Ben
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 20:36:22 +0100
On 11-Nov-99, Richard Drummond wrote:

> Yes, I do.. But saying the next person who replies after four and a half
> hours somehow lacks force. And anyway, the vast majority of mail gets to
> it's destination in minutes

Yes, but you seem to have this pissy image that everyone has permenant
conenctions to the net like you do at future. I'd be surprised if more than
a few people got that message within 10 minutes, and yes I have replied
after you limit. Nor do I expect to get suspended

Ben's dates in the poll this is bad enough, but I'd prefer it if not
everyone at AF thinks too highly of themselves. I joined this list because
of the calibre of people on it, Ben, yourself, Neil (oh and of course Matt
;)).....not to be put down by idiotic rules made for no reason

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

Anti-woman, anti-gay, born-again bigots go away!

Message 36613

From :Bert Volders <>
Subject: [afb] Re: HELP ME!!!!
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 22:34:30 +0100
Hey Peter

On 12-nov-99, you wrote:

> Hi.
> The other day I installed Syndicate on DH1: and I was playing it quite
> happily, then I saved it, and when it finished saving, I turned it off. I
> turned it onthe next day, and it was validating the hard drive, which I
> don't mind, as most HD Installed games seem to do that when you save to
> drives anyway (I think! I HOPE!) Well, after about five minutes, it was
> still going, then it crashed. YES, it CRASHED whilst validating. It then
> reset and tried to validate again, but then crashes and resets before it
> finishs.

This could be prevented by installing Syndicate on an OFS partition without
directory caching and international mode. (says my brother)
> I WOULD format it again, but it has all my stuuf on, and I can't get to
> mount it without it crashing, so formatting it is a bit dificult.

But is the only solution :o( I am affraid. 
> Pete.
> PS Also, I can't format the drive as the Person I brought the A4000 off 
> never sent me the WB3.0 disks....:o) <= Tudor?

But look at the bright side. Now you have a very good reason to get OS3.5 ;o)
Bert Volders
^^^^^Don't go there, its not finished yet...
ICQ_Nick: Speedy
ICQ_UIN: 38809545

Message 36614

From :Alan Bailey <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OT-Bt extension
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 21:39:34 +0000
Hello Albert

On 11-Nov-99, you wrote:

> Q1 Can some one tell me what leads go to what numbers , theres quite a few
> in a cable.

2 to 2, 3 to 3 and 5 to 5, that should work, it worked for me.
> Q2 The Route up the wall and through the floor space will if i take the
> short route run accross some electric cables Is this a problem, or should
> i take a long route and avoid the ring main cables. This route makes my
> extension cable about 25 metres in length. nearly 10 metres longer. Is
> length a problem.

Cable lenth should not be a problem.


/UIN/ - 42618074
<tsb>#   // Powered By Amiga #
<tsb># \X/    A1200 030/50   #
Politicians should read science fiction, not westerns and detective
-- Arthur C. Clarke

Message 36615

From :Chris Andrews <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Rich going power crazy
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 21:48:31 +0000 (GMT)
On Fri, 12 Nov 1999, Matthew O'Neill wrote:
> Umm, its very relavant. 100's of people will be making their own 1200
> tower, now theres very few amiga user left, having the adventurous ones
> fried while doing a transplant isnt the way to go at all

  Sure, that was an important topic.  But it had swayed far away from that
into a debate about the meanings of "I" and whether "IV=Watts" is a sound
equation.  All because of my Ivy Watts joke. 


Message 36616

From :"Ian Urie" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: those classic games
Date: 11 Nov 99 22:07:11 -0500
On 11-Nov-99 10:37:45, fd700990 said about [afb] those classic games:
> Does anyone have an idea where i can download old speccy or amiga games
> from the internet.  I'm especially talkin about Arkanoid, Back 2
> school, out run, the alechemist, zoom, ant attack, etc.
> It would be gratefully appreciated
> honest

Spectrum games can be found at
Ian Urie  <>
I predict that today will be remembered until tomorrow!

Message 36617

Subject: [afb] Fusion Help Please.
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 05:54:29 -0800

I know you lot are probably sick and tired of answering Fusion 3.1
questions. However I'm hoping that someone here can either answer my
problem or point me to an FAQ or mailing list..

My problems are as follows.
(Note, I've had Fusion 3.1 for over 7 months now but haven't got round
to it just yet)

I have setup Fusion. i.e got the 1mb mac rom, the bootdisk file (from CU
amiga cd- Hvaing mislaid AF38 CD :(  ). However, when I try and run the
emulation I get a Mac message that an error has occured and that I
should try to boot with extensions off by holding the shift key. This I
do but to no avail, the same message appears.

Anyone know where I go from here please?

in the startup sequence how do I sort out the problem with OxyPatcher
and rsrvcold?

Any usefull help very welcome as so far hardly anyone here seems to
care that I'm having sleepless nights wrestling with these problems. ;)

BTW, The workbench snapshot problem that no one helped me out with, is
fixed by removing the ram disk icon. Just in case you get stuck one day
with the same problem and when you need help no one volunteers.

Regards, Mikey C

Amiga Yellow Pages -

Message 36618

From :Darren Silcock <>
Subject: [afb] Re: ADMIN: Readme
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 22:26:34 +0100

Having a deadline on reading/replying to messages is un-realistic. I myself
check mail everynight, by this time there are usually dozons of replies to
paticular messages.

Yes you should check that no-one has already said what you are about to
send, but at the same time somebody might also be writing what you are. So,

*A Little Common Sense is Needed!!*



P.S This is late because I couldn't think straight last night.

Message 36619

From :Darren Silcock <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OT-Bt extension
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 22:40:14 +0100
Q1 Can some one tell me what leads go to what numbers , theres quite a few
in a cable.

*Doesn't matter, solong as there the same at each end
Q2      The Route up the wall and through the floor space will if  i take
the short route run accross some electric cables Is this a problem, or
should i take a long route and avoid the ring main cables. This route makes
my extension cable about
25 metres in length.  nearly 10 metres longer.  Is length a problem.

*Main cable shouln't bother a phone line and depending on what she say's
"Length isn't a problem"*


thanks    Burt.

AFB: All polls MUST have dates!

-- Easily schedule meetings and events using the group calendar!


Message 36620

Subject: [afb] Re: The new issue
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 99 15:24:36 +0100 (BST)
Phil Ellis wrote:
> I did however find it disappointing that we are to be "bullied" into buying 
> OS3.5. 

Right. If you like. And how are AF bullying you into buying it? "We urge you to
buy it" is not the same as "buy it or we'll kick yer f'kin ed's in!"

It's a question of support. If you can't be bothered to support the cause you
CLAIM to advocate, then you may as well go and advocate something else.

If you aren't prepared to buy OS3.5, then we can all hold you personally
responsible for the fact that there may never be a new Classic OS. Certainly
never one that is.... revolutionary?

> In the Amiga OS3.5 selling well boxout we are told that "Amiga Format urges 
> you"  buy the new OS, "with the promise of more and more OS3.5 - only 
> software destined  for our CD in the coming months". 

Yeah, and what of it? So they want to make the CD more advanced. It's no secret
that developers will want to take advantage of the new OS features like 24bit
printing support, the Arexx port in Workbench etc.

> Why. What features of the new OS are so revolutionary that they are required 
> to run  this new software? [STOP!]

Right, you can stop there. I'm getting off this godforsaken REVOLUTION train,
because you've obviously missed the entire point of it all - it doesn't have to 
be revolutionary. OS3.5 was never MEANT to be revolutionary.

And what Jim Collas said about the now-ditched MMC and the not-certain 
AmigaObjects was, frankly, bullshit. He was playing the salesman, and you went
and bought the double-glazing. More fool you, I say.

>  Like everyone else I only have a limited amount of money to go  around.


> To upgrade to the new OS I would need to  buy the 3.1 roms plus the upgrade. 
> For what? 

The immense number of bugfixes in 3.1 is reason enough. And then there are the
immense number of bugfixes in 3.5, which is much more reason. Plus the new
features, functionality, the ever-so-nice stability now that half your patches
have been made redundant. The new icons, the new preferences, the new printing

> If there is a valid reason for making a program OS3.5 only then fair enough, 
> but if it  is just to try and force people to upgrade then all that will 
> happen is that more people  will abandon.

Bye bye then. I'll not miss you one jot.

> I am all for progress, but there has to be a point to it. If OS3.5 had been 
> revolutionary

*WHY* does everything coming from ANYWHERE have to be revolutionary now? Why?
Tell me that. What's wrong with evolution. You tell me that Darwin was wrong,
natural selection is a joke, and it would be better to wipe out a species every
10,000 years for the sake of re-inventing the wheel (or butterfly, whatever)

> My next spare 60 is going towards Photogenics. 

Just so you can watch it CRASH CRASH CRASH under the weight of the unecessary
patches, and the bugs in 3.0 and the hideously convoluted DOpus setup you have.

Fine, you do that.

I wonder if they'll let me post the 2.04-3.1 changes list to my website.. and
maybe the 3.1-3.5 changes list. That'll change your mind. There's a darn sight
more to the new OS than a bunch of new icons and a progress bar. I think you're
just too narrow minded and cynical to see it.


Generated by U-NET WebMail -
   U-NET Internet - Easy Internet Access (01925) 484444

Message 36621

From :Peter Gordon <>
Subject: [afb] Re: A simle idea for a huge survival campaign!
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 22:22:36 +0000
> Dear fellows,
> Let's face it: Amiga is living it's last moments as a computer... it's
> passing away!
> Gateway's new product is just a mommy. If you want to let Gateway hear your
> voice or listen to your message here is a simple, yet effective, plan:

Umm.. sorry to point this out, but, what exactly would this achieve!?

so long and thanks for all the fish

Real meanings #13:
JAVA: Just Another Valueless Attempt

Message 36622

From :"Paul Cundle" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: To Be or Not To Be...
Date: 12 Nov 99 19:08:02 +0000
fool reckons he knows a bit about [afb] Re: To Be or Not To Be..., but there's more to it than that.

> Okay, Amiga related stuff isn't encouraged but it is tolerated - no one
> complained when you and Waddie were arguing over whose mailer was best, did
> they?

That wasn't an argument, just a few facts. So there.

> Martin, deliberately making it unclear as to which list we're talking about
> :)

I blame the parents.

Paul C, getting befuddled
... Veni, vermini, vomui
    I came, I got ratted, I threw up       

Message 36623

Subject: [afb] Re: 3.5 wishlist update notification
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 06:37:18 -0800
> The MMU won't be put into use unless you turn on the CPU caches...
> (Something like this anyway..)
> This is what I run: CPU FASTROM CACHE BURST (From my User Startup)
and it
> copies the contents of my ROM into fastram and turns on my Caching
and Burst
> mode. It also has the nice side effect of speeding things up

Thanks for the help, but I have a lovely PPC now. The Blizzard 1230 has
gone to a loving home: the games A1200 that sits upstairs!

Visit the Amipal website:

Message 36624

From :"Chris Dallimore" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OT-Bt extension
Date: 12 Nov 99 23:19:36 +0000
On Thu, 11 Nov 1999 06:35:01 +0000, Albert Hunt said:

> Hi All
> Have got  to  Re-route my extension from the Bt socket  in the hall to the
> back room Where the computer is. The BT box thing in the hall is the type
> that you pull out the bottem section and plug your main phone into thus
> disconecting anything I may have cocked up.
> Q1      Can some one tell me what leads go  to what  numbers ,  theres quite
> a few in a cable.

Only three are actually used, but the connections are:

Pin 1 Green with white trace
Pin 2 Blue with white trace
Pin 3 Orange with white trace
Pin 4 White with orange trace
Pin 5 White with blue trace
Pin 6 White with green trace

This assumes you are using the correct spec. cable, but the connectors are
just linked like for like between sockets so pin 1 at the main socket
connects to pin 1 at the extension socket, and so on.

> Q2      The Route up the wall and through the floor space will if i take
> the short route run accross some electric cables Is this a problem, or
> should i take a long route and avoid the ring main cables. This route
> makes my extension cable about 25 metres in length.  
> nearly 10 metres longer.Is length a problem.

It should be OK if you *cross*the cable (rather than run parallel to it),
but try to put as much space between the cables as you can.
The length of the extension isn't usually a problem (another 25m on a route
that is probably a couple of Km from the exchange isn't going to have much
effect). Most problems are caused by poor termination. People do insist on
using knives/screwdrivers/scissors etc instead of the correct tool for
insulation displacement connections.
> thanks    Burt.


|                    |
| A1200T 060/50 2Mb Chip 128Mb Fast       |
| Picasso IV,Paloma TV,Maxtor 3.2GB,      |
| Blizzard SCSI,Iomega ZIP,4xCD           |
| Catweasel/Buddha ZII,24xCD,Conner 512MB |
| HyperCom3Z,Dynalink 56K,EpsonSC600      |

Message 36625

From :Andrew Crowe <>
Subject: [afb] Re: HELP ME!!!!
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 23:25:24 +0000
Hi Everybody,

> Well, after about five minutes, it was still going, then it crashed.
> YES, it CRASHED whilst validating.
> It then reset and tried to validate again, but then crashes and resets =

> before it finishs.
> =

> Well, I thought "Ah, boot with no Startup-sequence" as I thought it mig=
ht be =

> something in the Startup-sequence making it crash, but no, it still cra=
> after a bit, before it finished.
> Please advise!
> =

> PLEASE!!!!!!

   You don't have a PPC accelerator do you? Or any accelerator for that m=
atter?  Try disabling it...

   If that fails, then you could try making a boot disk with a copy of Di=
skSalv on it, boot it and quickly run 'Repair' on the drive, before it ha=
s time to crash.. (I presume, as it locks the drive, that it'd interupt t=
he validating)

   Hope that helps :)

See ya :)
-- =

       Manta Soft  -  Amiga programing & web page designing
       ICQ: 21829166        =

 Homepage updated 5/8/99 --- James Bond on GFX Card & CPU players!
  - ------------------- Quote of the day: -------------------- -
"Bother," said Pooh, as he mistook the liquefied stool sample for his cup=
 of coffee.

Message 36626

Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 15:42:33 -0800
Da Money Club Message Board

Thursday, 11-Nov-1999 14:59:32 


Posted by Chris F.


How to turn $6 into $6,000! 


I found this on a bulletin board and decided to try it. A little 
while back, I was browsing through newsgroups
and came across an article similar to this that said you could make 
thousands of dollars within weeks with only an initial investment of 
$6.00! So I thought, "Yeah right, this must be a scam", but 
like most of us, I was curious, so I kept reading. Anyway, it said 
that you send $1.00 to each of the 6 names and address stated in the 
article. You then place your own name and address in the bottom of 
the list at #6, and post the article in at least 200 newsgroups. 
(There are thousands) No catch, that was it. So after thinking it 
over, and talking to a few people first, I thought about trying it. I 
figured: "what have I got to lose except 6 stamps and $6.00, 
right?" Then I invested the measly $6.00. Well GUESS WHAT!!... 
within 7 days, I started getting money in the mail! I was shocked! I 
figured it would end soon, but the money just kept coming in. In my 
first week, I made about $25.00. By the end of the second week I had 
made a total of over $1,000.00! In the third week I had over 
$10,000.00 and it's still growing. This is now my fourth week and I 
have made a total of just over $42,000.00 and it's still coming in 
rapidly. It's certainly worth $6.00, and 6 stamps, I have spent more 
than that on the !! Let me tell you how this works and most 
importantly, why it works....Also, make sure you print a copy of this 
article NOW, so you can get the information off of it as you need it. 
I promise you that if you follow the directions exactly, that you 
will start making more money than you thought possible by doing 
something so easy! 

Suggestion: Read this entire message carefully! (print it out or 
download it.) Follow the simple directions and watch the money come 

It's easy. It's legal. And, your investment is only $6.00 (Plus 

IMPORTANT: This is not a - ; it is not indecent; it is not 
illegal; and it is virtually no risk - it really works!!!! 

If all of the following instructions are adhered to, you will receive 
extraordinary dividends. 

Please follow these directions EXACTLY, and $50,000 or more can be 
yours in 20 to 60 days. This program remains successful because of 
the honesty and integrity of the participants. Please continue its 
success by carefully adhering to the instructions. 

You will now become part of the Mail Order business. In this business 
your product is not solid and tangible, it's a service. You are in 
the business of developing Mailing Lists. Many large corporations are 
happy to pay big bucks for quality lists. However, the money made 
from the mailing lists is secondary to the income which is made from 
people like you and me asking to be included in that list. 

Here are the 4 easy steps to success: 

STEP 1: Get 6 separate pieces of paper and write the following on 
each piece of paper "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST." Now 
get 6 US $1.00 bills and place ONE inside EACH of the 6 pieces of 
paper so the bill will not be seen through the envelope (to prevent 
thievery). Next, place one paper in each of the 6 envelopes and seal 
them. You should now have 6 sealed envelopes, each with a piece of 
paper stating the above phrase, your name and address, and a $1.00 
bill. What you are doing is creating a service. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY 
LEGAL! You are requesting a legitimate service and you are paying for 
it! Like most of us I was a little skeptical and a little worried 
about the legal aspects of it all. So I checked it out with the U.S. 
Post Office (1-800-725-2161) and they confirmed that it is indeed 
legal! Mail the 6 envelopes to the following addresses: 

#1)Bill Lijewski
807 Keast
Hutchinson, KS 67501

#2) Rodney Fadler 244

159 Blvd.
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702

#4) Annie J
716 39th street
Des Moines IA 50312

#5) BETTY K.
404 6th street Suite B-3
Coralville IA. 52241

#6) Chris F.
15660 Murphy Rd.
Winnebago, IL 61088

STEP 2: Now take the #1 name off the list that you see above, move 
the other names up (6 becomes 5, 5 becomes 4, etc...) and add YOUR 
Name as number 6 on the list. 

STEP 3: Change anything you need to, but try to keep this article as 
close to original as possible. Now, post your amended article to at 
least 200 newsgroups. (I think there are close to 24,000 groups) All 
you need is 200, but remember, the more you post, the more money you 

This is perfectly legal! If you have any doubts, refer to Title 18 
Sec. 1302 & 1341 of the Postal laws. 
Keep a copy of these steps for yourself and, whenever you need money, 
you can use it again, and again. 

PLEASE REMEMBER that this program remains successful because of the 
honesty and integrity of the participants and by their carefully 
adhering to the directions. Look at it this way. If you are of 
integrity, the program will continue and the money that so many 
others have received will come your way. 

NOTE: You may want to retain every name and address sent to you, 
either on a computer or hard copy and keep the notes people send you. 
This VERIFIES that you are truly providing a service. (Also, it might 
be a good idea to wrap the $1 bill in dark paper to reduce the risk 
of mail theft.) 

So, as each post is downloaded and the directions carefully followed, 
six members will be reimbursed for their participation as a List 
Developer with one dollar each. Your name will move up the list 
geometrically so that when your name reaches the #1 position you will 
be receiving thousands of dollars in CASH!!! What an opportunity for 
only $6.00 ($1.00 for each of the first six people listed above) Send 
it now, add your own name to the list and you're in business! 


Step 1) You do not need to re-type this entire letter to do your own 
posting. Simply put your cursor at the beginning of this letter and 
drag your cursor to the bottom of this document, and select 'copy' 
from the edit menu. This will copy the entire letter into the 
computer's memory. 
Step 2) Open a blank 'notepad' file and place your cursor at the top 
of the blank page. From the 'edit' menu select 'paste'. This will 
paste a copy of the letter into notepad so that you can add your name 
to the list. Step 3) Save your new notepad file as a .txt file. If 
you want to do your postings in different settings, you'll always 
have this file to go back to. 
Step 4) Use Netscape or Internet explorer and try searching for 
various newsgroups (on-line forums, message boards, chat sites, 
Step 5) Visit these message boards and post this article as a new 
message by highlighting the text of this letter and selecting paste 
from the edit menu. Fill in the Subject, this will be the header that 
everyone sees as they scroll through the list of postings in a 
particular group, click the post message button. You're done with 
your first one! Congratulations...THAT'S IT! All you have to do is 
jump to different newsgroups and post away, after you get the hang of 
it, it will take about 30 seconds for each newsgroup! **REMEMBER, THE 
HAVE TO POST A MINIMUM OF 200** That's it! You will begin receiving 
money from around the world within days! You may eventually want to 
rent a P.O.Box due to the large amount of mail you will receive. If 
you wish to stay anonymous, you can invent a name to use, as long as 
the postman will deliver it. **JUST MAKE SURE ALL THE ADDRESSES ARE 

Now the WHY part: 
Out of 200 postings, say I receive only 5 replies (a very low 
example). So then I made $5.00 with my name at #6 on the letter. Now, 
each of the 5 persons who just sent me $1.00 make the MINIMUM 200 
postings, each with my name at #5 and only 5 persons respond to each 
of the original 5, that is another $25.00 for me, now those 25 each 
make 200 MINIMUM posts with my name at #4 and only 5 replies each, I 
will bring in an additional $125.00! Now, those 125 persons turn 
around and post the MINIMUM 200 with my name at #3 and only receive 5 
replies each, I will make an additional $626.00! OK, now here is the 
fun part, each of those 625 persons post a MINIMUM 200 letters with 
my name at #2 and they each only receive 5 replies, that just made me 
$3,125.00!!! Those 3,125 persons will all deliver this message to 200 
newsgroups with my name at #1 and if still 5 persons per 200 
newsgroups react I will receive $15,625,00! With an original 
investment of only $6.00! AMAZING! When your name is no longer on the 
list, you just take the latest posting in the newsgroups, and send 
out another $6.00 to names on the list, putting your name at number 6 
again. And start posting again. The thing to remember is: do you 
realize that thousands of people all over the world are joining the 
internet and reading these articles everyday?, JUST LIKE YOU are 
now!! So, can you afford $6.00 and see if it really works?? I think 
so... People have said, "what if the plan is played out and no 
one sends you the money? So what! What are the chances of that 
happening when there are tons of new honest users and new honest 
people who are joining the internet and newsgroups everyday and are 
willing to give it a try? Estimates are at 20,000 to 50,000 new 
users, every day, with thousands of those joining the actual 
internet. Remember, play FAIRLY and HONESTLY and this will really 


Message 36627

Subject: [afb] Re: The new issue
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 99 15:42:48 +0100 (BST)
Phil Ellis wrote:
> I did however find it disappointing that we are to be "bullied" into buying 
> OS3.5. 

Right. If you like. And how are AF bullying you into buying it? "We urge you to
buy it" is not the same as "buy it or we'll kick yer f'kin ed's in!"

It's a question of support. If you can't be bothered to support the cause you
CLAIM to advocate, then you may as well go and advocate something else.

If you aren't prepared to buy OS3.5, then we can all hold you personally
responsible for the fact that there may never be a new Classic OS. Certainly
never one that is.... revolutionary?

> In the Amiga OS3.5 selling well boxout we are told that "Amiga Format urges 
> you"  buy the new OS, "with the promise of more and more OS3.5 - only 
> software destined  for our CD in the coming months". 

Yeah, and what of it? So they want to make the CD more advanced. It's no secret
that developers will want to take advantage of the new OS features like 24bit
printing support, the Arexx port in Workbench etc.

> Why. What features of the new OS are so revolutionary that they are required 
> to run  this new software? [STOP!]

Right, you can stop there. I'm getting off this godforsaken REVOLUTION train,
because you've obviously missed the entire point of it all - it doesn't have to 
be revolutionary. OS3.5 was never MEANT to be revolutionary.

And what Jim Collas said about the now-ditched MMC and the not-certain 
AmigaObjects was, frankly, bullshit. He was playing the salesman, and you went
and bought the double-glazing. More fool you, I say.

>  Like everyone else I only have a limited amount of money to go  around.


> To upgrade to the new OS I would need to  buy the 3.1 roms plus the upgrade. 
> For what? 

The immense number of bugfixes in 3.1 is reason enough. And then there are the
immense number of bugfixes in 3.5, which is much more reason. Plus the new
features, functionality, the ever-so-nice stability now that half your patches
have been made redundant. The new icons, the new preferences, the new printing

> If there is a valid reason for making a program OS3.5 only then fair enough, 
> but if it  is just to try and force people to upgrade then all that will 
> happen is that more people  will abandon.

Bye bye then. I'll not miss you one jot.

> I am all for progress, but there has to be a point to it. If OS3.5 had been 
> revolutionary

*WHY* does everything coming from ANYWHERE have to be revolutionary now? Why?
Tell me that. What's wrong with evolution. You tell me that Darwin was wrong,
natural selection is a joke, and it would be better to wipe out a species every
10,000 years for the sake of re-inventing the wheel (or butterfly, whatever)

> My next spare 60 is going towards Photogenics. 

Just so you can watch it CRASH CRASH CRASH under the weight of the unecessary
patches, and the bugs in 3.0 and the hideously convoluted DOpus setup you have.

Fine, you do that.

I wonder if they'll let me post the 2.04-3.1 changes list to my website.. and
maybe the 3.1-3.5 changes list. That'll change your mind. There's a darn sight
more to the new OS than a bunch of new icons and a progress bar. I think you're
just too narrow minded and cynical to see it.


Generated by U-NET WebMail -
   U-NET Internet - Easy Internet Access (01925) 484444

Message 36628

Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 15:48:29 -0800
Da Money Club Message Board

Thursday, 11-Nov-1999 14:59:32 


Posted by Chris F.


How to turn $6 into $6,000! 


I found this on a bulletin board and decided to try it. A little 
while back, I was browsing through newsgroups
and came across an article similar to this that said you could make 
thousands of dollars within weeks with only an initial investment of 
$6.00! So I thought, "Yeah right, this must be a scam", but 
like most of us, I was curious, so I kept reading. Anyway, it said 
that you send $1.00 to each of the 6 names and address stated in the 
article. You then place your own name and address in the bottom of 
the list at #6, and post the article in at least 200 newsgroups. 
(There are thousands) No catch, that was it. So after thinking it 
over, and talking to a few people first, I thought about trying it. I 
figured: "what have I got to lose except 6 stamps and $6.00, 
right?" Then I invested the measly $6.00. Well GUESS WHAT!!... 
within 7 days, I started getting money in the mail! I was shocked! I 
figured it would end soon, but the money just kept coming in. In my 
first week, I made about $25.00. By the end of the second week I had 
made a total of over $1,000.00! In the third week I had over 
$10,000.00 and it's still growing. This is now my fourth week and I 
have made a total of just over $42,000.00 and it's still coming in 
rapidly. It's certainly worth $6.00, and 6 stamps, I have spent more 
than that on the !! Let me tell you how this works and most 
importantly, why it works....Also, make sure you print a copy of this 
article NOW, so you can get the information off of it as you need it. 
I promise you that if you follow the directions exactly, that you 
will start making more money than you thought possible by doing 
something so easy! 

Suggestion: Read this entire message carefully! (print it out or 
download it.) Follow the simple directions and watch the money come 

It's easy. It's legal. And, your investment is only $6.00 (Plus 

IMPORTANT: This is not a - ; it is not indecent; it is not 
illegal; and it is virtually no risk - it really works!!!! 

If all of the following instructions are adhered to, you will receive 
extraordinary dividends. 

Please follow these directions EXACTLY, and $50,000 or more can be 
yours in 20 to 60 days. This program remains successful because of 
the honesty and integrity of the participants. Please continue its 
success by carefully adhering to the instructions. 

You will now become part of the Mail Order business. In this business 
your product is not solid and tangible, it's a service. You are in 
the business of developing Mailing Lists. Many large corporations are 
happy to pay big bucks for quality lists. However, the money made 
from the mailing lists is secondary to the income which is made from 
people like you and me asking to be included in that list. 

Here are the 4 easy steps to success: 

STEP 1: Get 6 separate pieces of paper and write the following on 
each piece of paper "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST." Now 
get 6 US $1.00 bills and place ONE inside EACH of the 6 pieces of 
paper so the bill will not be seen through the envelope (to prevent 
thievery). Next, place one paper in each of the 6 envelopes and seal 
them. You should now have 6 sealed envelopes, each with a piece of 
paper stating the above phrase, your name and address, and a $1.00 
bill. What you are doing is creating a service. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY 
LEGAL! You are requesting a legitimate service and you are paying for 
it! Like most of us I was a little skeptical and a little worried 
about the legal aspects of it all. So I checked it out with the U.S. 
Post Office (1-800-725-2161) and they confirmed that it is indeed 
legal! Mail the 6 envelopes to the following addresses: 

#1)Bill Lijewski
807 Keast
Hutchinson, KS 67501

#2) Rodney Fadler 244

159 Blvd.
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702

#4) Annie J
716 39th street
Des Moines IA 50312

#5) BETTY K.
404 6th street Suite B-3
Coralville IA. 52241

#6) Chris F.
15660 Murphy Rd.
Winnebago, IL 61088

STEP 2: Now take the #1 name off the list that you see above, move 
the other names up (6 becomes 5, 5 becomes 4, etc...) and add YOUR 
Name as number 6 on the list. 

STEP 3: Change anything you need to, but try to keep this article as 
close to original as possible. Now, post your amended article to at 
least 200 newsgroups. (I think there are close to 24,000 groups) All 
you need is 200, but remember, the more you post, the more money you 

This is perfectly legal! If you have any doubts, refer to Title 18 
Sec. 1302 & 1341 of the Postal laws. 
Keep a copy of these steps for yourself and, whenever you need money, 
you can use it again, and again. 

PLEASE REMEMBER that this program remains successful because of the 
honesty and integrity of the participants and by their carefully 
adhering to the directions. Look at it this way. If you are of 
integrity, the program will continue and the money that so many 
others have received will come your way. 

NOTE: You may want to retain every name and address sent to you, 
either on a computer or hard copy and keep the notes people send you. 
This VERIFIES that you are truly providing a service. (Also, it might 
be a good idea to wrap the $1 bill in dark paper to reduce the risk 
of mail theft.) 

So, as each post is downloaded and the directions carefully followed, 
six members will be reimbursed for their participation as a List 
Developer with one dollar each. Your name will move up the list 
geometrically so that when your name reaches the #1 position you will 
be receiving thousands of dollars in CASH!!! What an opportunity for 
only $6.00 ($1.00 for each of the first six people listed above) Send 
it now, add your own name to the list and you're in business! 


Step 1) You do not need to re-type this entire letter to do your own 
posting. Simply put your cursor at the beginning of this letter and 
drag your cursor to the bottom of this document, and select 'copy' 
from the edit menu. This will copy the entire letter into the 
computer's memory. 
Step 2) Open a blank 'notepad' file and place your cursor at the top 
of the blank page. From the 'edit' menu select 'paste'. This will 
paste a copy of the letter into notepad so that you can add your name 
to the list. Step 3) Save your new notepad file as a .txt file. If 
you want to do your postings in different settings, you'll always 
have this file to go back to. 
Step 4) Use Netscape or Internet explorer and try searching for 
various newsgroups (on-line forums, message boards, chat sites, 
Step 5) Visit these message boards and post this article as a new 
message by highlighting the text of this letter and selecting paste 
from the edit menu. Fill in the Subject, this will be the header that 
everyone sees as they scroll through the list of postings in a 
particular group, click the post message button. You're done with 
your first one! Congratulations...THAT'S IT! All you have to do is 
jump to different newsgroups and post away, after you get the hang of 
it, it will take about 30 seconds for each newsgroup! **REMEMBER, THE 
HAVE TO POST A MINIMUM OF 200** That's it! You will begin receiving 
money from around the world within days! You may eventually want to 
rent a P.O.Box due to the large amount of mail you will receive. If 
you wish to stay anonymous, you can invent a name to use, as long as 
the postman will deliver it. **JUST MAKE SURE ALL THE ADDRESSES ARE 

Now the WHY part: 
Out of 200 postings, say I receive only 5 replies (a very low 
example). So then I made $5.00 with my name at #6 on the letter. Now, 
each of the 5 persons who just sent me $1.00 make the MINIMUM 200 
postings, each with my name at #5 and only 5 persons respond to each 
of the original 5, that is another $25.00 for me, now those 25 each 
make 200 MINIMUM posts with my name at #4 and only 5 replies each, I 
will bring in an additional $125.00! Now, those 125 persons turn 
around and post the MINIMUM 200 with my name at #3 and only receive 5 
replies each, I will make an additional $626.00! OK, now here is the 
fun part, each of those 625 persons post a MINIMUM 200 letters with 
my name at #2 and they each only receive 5 replies, that just made me 
$3,125.00!!! Those 3,125 persons will all deliver this message to 200 
newsgroups with my name at #1 and if still 5 persons per 200 
newsgroups react I will receive $15,625,00! With an original 
investment of only $6.00! AMAZING! When your name is no longer on the 
list, you just take the latest posting in the newsgroups, and send 
out another $6.00 to names on the list, putting your name at number 6 
again. And start posting again. The thing to remember is: do you 
realize that thousands of people all over the world are joining the 
internet and reading these articles everyday?, JUST LIKE YOU are 
now!! So, can you afford $6.00 and see if it really works?? I think 
so... People have said, "what if the plan is played out and no 
one sends you the money? So what! What are the chances of that 
happening when there are tons of new honest users and new honest 
people who are joining the internet and newsgroups everyday and are 
willing to give it a try? Estimates are at 20,000 to 50,000 new 
users, every day, with thousands of those joining the actual 
internet. Remember, play FAIRLY and HONESTLY and this will really 


Message 36629

From :"Daniel Thornton" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: ADMIN: Readme
Date: 12 Nov 99 23:44:55 +0000
On Fri, 12 Nov 1999 22:26:34 +0100, Darren Silcock wibbled...

> Having a deadline on reading/replying to messages is un-realistic. I myself
> check mail everynight, by this time there are usually dozons of replies to
> paticular messages.

A few similar messages over the space of a few hours isn't too bad; it's
when people reply to the same original message a couple of days (or
more) later with the same sentiments that it starts to get annoying. I'm
not so bothered about downloading the messages, more that I start to
read a posting thinking it might be interesting, and find I've already
read the same thing eight times before.

------------------------- ===== The Wibble ===== -------------------------
 This week's new words come from Jacqui Krapotkin's Soapwatch, along with
   news from Alan Pie and poetry in Kiddies Corner. "It's really great"
------- --- -------

Message 36630

From :"Paul Cundle" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: HELP ME!!!!
Date: 12 Nov 99 23:19:20 +0000
Some guy around here has been mumbling again. Apparently he goes
by the name of Peter Lewis.

> Well, after about five minutes, it was still going, then it crashed.
> YES, it CRASHED whilst validating.
> It then reset and tried to validate again, but then crashes and resets 
> before it finishs.
> Well, I thought "Ah, boot with no Startup-sequence" as I thought it might be 
> something in the Startup-sequence making it crash, but no, it still crashed 
> after a bit, before it finished.

This all sounds a bit familiar :/

I'll tell you what I did, but I can't promise it won't make things

1) Boot with the paritition disabled, and set up disksalv ready
for use (on a floppy?)
2) Reboot, with no startup-sequence, so all it is doing is validating.
3) You have 5 minutes to run disksalv, and start it going, probably on
"validate" and make sure the menu is set to lock the system (or
something, can't remember exactly), so that DOS stops trying to
validate it. Now wait!
4) If you're lucky, disksalv will sort it out and when you reboot the
partition will be (sort of) okay.
5) This didn't work on its own for me. I had to keep trying /loads/ of
different options in disksalv ie. validate, repair, repair, validate,
repair, validate etc etc. Eventually it reached a state where it no
longer tried to validate, but there were errors. I just copied what I
could onto floppies.

Before you do any of this, order PFS3 or OS3.5, because by the time
this worked for me PFS had already arrived. It took a *long* time.
> I WOULD format it again, but it has all my stuuf on, and I can't get to 
> mount it without it crashing, so formatting it is a bit dificult.

This method /may/ get it into a semi-stable state, enough to let you
copy off what you want.

Shouldn't that be "F*cking Skidmarks"?  ;)

> Pete.

Paul C, with his chums
... DCE seeks DTE for mutual exchange of data.

Message 36631

From :=?iso-8859-1?q?Ant's=20Spam?= <>
Subject: [afb] Wordworth, or what's happened to Digita?
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 16:28:14 -0800 (PST)
I've got a few questions to ask Digita about Wordworth
4SE (like why is it so slow at printing, even when
outputting to a file?), but when I looked at their
website ( it was full of Microsoft and
solutions to tax problems.  What's happened?


Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at

Message 36632

From :=?iso-8859-1?q?Ant's=20Spam?= <>
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 16:30:14 -0800 (PST)
Enough with the spam already!
Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at

Message 36633

Subject: [afb] Pimping Ain't easy.
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 07:39:26 -0800
Hi everyone I came across this game title on the Delsyd Software 

If this game is released I will be the first in line to buy it, Hey Ben
any chance of a Wip on Pimping ain't easy? 

For the rest of you here is the discription of the game...

Pimpin' Ain't Easy

The Plot
The object of this game is to take an ordinary guy and make him into a
Pimp Master.You start off in your home town.

You'll gradually build up cash and prostitutes,until you wipe out the
other pimps in town.Then,it's time to move on to another,bigger
city,and do the
same.You can pay off the cops so they won't visit your
neighborhood,convince girls that work for other pimps to work for

When you're in a bind,you can consult Mega-Pimp.Mega-Pimp is the soul of
a long dead pimp that resides in the gold medallion you wear around
your neck.
Mega-pimp will give you advice,if you ask him. However,Mega-Pimp's soul
is not very strong in it's current environment.Every time you consult
gets a bit weaker. If you ask him for advice too much,his soul will fade
away.The only way to get him back is to find a voodoo priestess and ask
her to return him to your medallion.This is an expensive process
you can only do it once.

Also,what would a game about pimps be without Pimp Gear(tm)? As you move
up in the world,you'll be able to buy new clothes,upgrade your car,and
upgrade your appearance.Girls that wouldn't give you the time of day
before might be swayed more easily when you've got some cash to throw

Engine Overview
AGA only(graphics card support still possible,though)
2d overhead scolling maps
A funky soundtrack that will put porno movies to shame. :)


This game if done right, could be an absolute riot! :) 
Not to mention a bit contraversial.

I really hope the game leaves up to the title. Anyone here feel the
Regards, Mikey C

Amiga Yellow Pages -

Message 36634

From :"John Hancock" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Fusion Help Please
Date: 13 Nov 99 01:02:21 -0500
> Q1.
> I have setup Fusion. i.e got the 1mb mac rom, the bootdisk file (from CU
> amiga cd- Hvaing mislaid AF38 CD :(  ). However, when I try and run the
> emulation I get a Mac message that an error has occured and that I
> should try to boot with extensions off by holding the shift key. This I
> do but to no avail, the same message appears.
> Anyone know where I go from here please?

Fusion will only work with System 7.1 and upwards and I think the
bootfile on the CUCD is system 7.0.something. So you'll need to buy a
newer version of the MacOS.   

But I think you can get Sytem 7.5.5 from the apple
ftp site as a free  download. 

Or better still try which has loads of
hints and a downloadable hardfile that will work with Fusion and

> Q2.
> in the startup sequence how do I sort out the problem with OxyPatcher
> and rsrvcold?

Haven't a clue as I don't have Oxypatcher 

Hope that helps :)

John Hancock ICQ 21805444  OR

Message 36635

From :"Neil Bullock" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Wordworth, or what's happened to Digita?
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 01:05:07 -0000
> I've got a few questions to ask Digita about Wordworth
> 4SE (like why is it so slow at printing, even when
> outputting to a file?), but when I looked at their
> website ( it was full of Microsoft and
> solutions to tax problems.  What's happened?

They dropped the Amiga a few months ago :(


Message 36636

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: The new issue
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 16:39:57 +0000 (GMT)
On 11 Nov 1999, Phil Ellis wrote:

> Why. What features of the new OS are so revolutionary that they are required to run 
> this new software? The only thing I cam think of is the Arexx port and we've had that 

there are many new features of the OS that arent imediately
apparent...most people look at the GUI to see evolution...theres a full
document on the developer CD giving details

> added something to it's usability. Things like a graphics card, serial card, CD drive 
> etc. I've registered my shareware, MUI, Canonstudio, Webplug for instance. I've 

...but dont you think buying the latest OS is quite an important thing
to buy too? 

> Netconnect (I've had all three) and Stfax. To upgrade to the new OS I would need to 
> buy the 3.1 roms plus the upgrade. For what? Looking at the review, not very much 

you dont even have the os3.1 roms? the roms that cfix over 100 bugs in
os3.0 ?

> and added a lot of new or improved features then I would definitely support it. I won't 
> buy something just "to keep the Amiga alive". I don't think it will make a blind bit of 
> difference in the long term anyway.

a lot of your hardware and software would work better with os3.1 - thats
already 50% of the reason to buy os3.5


Message 36637

From (esokei)
Subject: [afb] -.Internet-stock.-.newsletter
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 04:52:35 GMT
-*-* FREE internet and small cap stock newsletter!

We are currently offering at no charge an internet and small cap 
newsletter FREE for a limited time.  This is a weekly newsletter
that is short, to the point and will only take a couple of minutes
to read.  If you do not enjoy this newsletter you can unsubscribe
at any time, no obligation.

You have nothing to lose by subscribing, so give it a try ! ! !

To subscribe, email  with the subject capnews

To be removed, email  with the subject delete

    thanks and ahppy thanks giv

Message 36638

Subject: [afb] SuperView Whinge and Whine
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 02:59:46 -0800
Why does Kleinert keep whinging about his bloody program? He keeps
complaining that it's being pirated and threatens to stop making
programs for the Amiga. Does he really think a change to the PC is
going to miraculously change everything? I have no idea what his
program does because the sodding thing doesn't work on my computer.
Does anyone here use it on a regular basis?

Message 36639

Subject: [afb] Re: MMU`s (was os3.5 wishlist)
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 03:35:53 -0800 wrote: 
> > Still on MMU's, I also have a full 030, but the MMU is shown as Not
> > use, is it somehow knackered or what? :/
It could be, but more likely than not its just not being used. Hense
"not in use", the amigaOS 3.x, doesnt use the MMU by defult, try
running enforcer or
VMM and if it crashes horrably, your MMU`s dead. 

Doesnt the latest setpatch 43.6b check for and enable MMU`s ? I am not
sure, but i know must programs cant use it anyway.


Message 36640

Subject: [afb] MMU (was 3.5 wishlist update notification)
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 04:17:08 -0800
> If you load Enforcer, you'll find that it is in use, because Enforcer
> requires an MMU. Also if you load a virtual memory type program which
> uses the mmu, I think it would show up as 'in use' then.
> Anybody know of a good VMM, btw?
> Not that I have enough disk space to make it worth while (1.9Mb,
> currently)

I tried VMM once, and I can only say one thing about it: don't use it,
ever! When I installed the thing, it kind of seriously messed up my
hard drive and made everything unstable. All fixed now (FLASHBACK)...

Well look at that. The sun's coming up...
Visit the Amipal website:

Message 36641

From :"Andrew McCombe" <>
Subject: [afb] HTML - Removing frames
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 12:44:18 -0000
Is there a HTML tag that will clear a page of frames when a link is pressed.

Message 36642

From :Armin <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Softkicking without an MMU (was 3.5 wishlist update notification)
Date: 12 Nov 99 15:39:21 +0100
Hi Andrew, on 12-Nov-99, at 12:37:25, you wrote:

>>> Not all Amigas have the ability to softkick a ROM
>>> (you need an MMU for that)
>> If an MMU is needed, how come I managed to softkick
>> my ec030?

> It *is* possible to softkick a ROM without an MMU.
> But you have to create a relocation table for that
> ROM image, so it can be positioned anywhere within
> the CPU's address space (i.e. Fast RAM).

<big snip>

In the eighties, while DRAM still was rather expensive,
ROM shareres was the optimum solution for most Amiga

In the early nineties, more people got fast RAM (and
HDs), and softkicking became popular.
Hundred of thousands of Amiga users, hardly any of
them with MMU equipped machines, were softkicking.

The best utilities were MKick and SKick.
I believe both still are available from Aminet.
Anyone interested should download both.

It seems that there are some selfproclaimed hot shots
on this ML that really should try to do some research
(or at least try to think) before they post.

Another example (from the same big, foul mouth) is
the notion that the Workbench is just a file manager
and application launcher.

Of course Workbench does perform those tasks, that is
self evident, after all the Amiga _is_ a computer.
But first and foremost Workbench is the proprietary
name of the Amiga graphical user interface.

I sincerely hope the list tyrant will stop these
spammers.  Sometimes one wonders if they are just
plain stupid or if they are working for Bill.




Message 36643

From :"Bruce" <>
Subject: [afb] test-ignore
Date: 13 Nov 99 07:24:15 +0000
test-ignore-new address


Amiga 1200, Apollo12030 accellerator, MMU, FPU, 8mb fast ram, ext
floppy drive, IOBlix 1200p parallel port, Mitsubishi 3.5 gb hard
drive, Hitachi 16x CD Rom drive, Pace 56k (v90) external modem, ADI
15" SVGA monitor, Power scandoubler/flickerfixer, Canon BJC620
printer, DrawStudio2, ScanQuix4, Netconnect 2, now skint.

Message 36644

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Evil Rich's Admin Readme
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 17:01:48 +0000 (GMT)
On 11 Nov 1999, Paul Cundle wrote:

> People don't look at the subject headers though. When you get hundreds
> of mails, a lot of people just start reading them all (I do anyway).

most people do - or they can learn to. when i first get in in the
morning i fire up my mail client and whizz through the titles deleting
all the spam know '500 XXX pictures' , ' heres the info you
requested' etc etc, then i skip through REBOL stuff. then quit.

first coffee break i answer my private email.

later i log in again and catch up with all the Linux and Warp3D stuff.

when i've caught up with them all, i'll go into the other things, such
as AFB , more private email (and replies to earlier stuff), aminet
latest downloads etc.

during all this time, i have plenty of time to see ADMIN: Readme!

..its just a thought - and would cut down on a lot of already answered
replies, junk posting etc


Message 36645

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: A simle idea for a huge survival campaign!
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 16:51:10 +0000 (GMT)
On Tue, 26 Oct 1999, Ahmad Zayer wrote:

> Dear fellows,
> Let's face it: Amiga is living it's last moments as a computer... it's
> passing away!

..well, almost..but we can help to stop this.

> Gateway's new product is just a mommy. If you want to let Gateway hear your

i wouldnt even bother with gateway now..they own the Amiga rights etc,
but they dont own, or ever will (though they thought they might be able
to), the 'Amiga' and the community


Message 36646

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: 3.5 wishlist update notification
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 16:48:31 +0000 (GMT)
On Fri, 12 Nov 1999, Alex Timiney wrote:

> Anybody know of a good VMM, btw?

well, VMM is okay, i'm waiting for a package that'll use the new
mmu.library system


Message 36647

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Oh dear... something's broke
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 16:56:25 +0000 (GMT)
On 11 Nov 1999, Thomas Hurst wrote:

> conference... still having Thor on a FFS partition makes conferences that
> big unbelievably slow (i.e. it takes longer to add messages to the database

try adding some extra buffers to the HD parition ..and do you use a HD
cache util? if not, then do so

> waiting for me... this is because Thor is totally refusing to create a uidl
> file, and as I leave a few days mail on the server... this is very, very
> bad.. if anyone has had this problem and fixed it please get in touch with
> me via ICQ at 17701673, or IR (ARCNet and IRCNet #amiga).

why ot try YAM for AFB? Its free and its brilliant!

Message 36648

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: 060 woes. . .
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 16:54:34 +0000 (GMT)
On Thu, 11 Nov 1999, Andy Kinsella wrote:

> Configuration:
> 1200 v1d3 
> kick 39.106 wb 39.29
> 32mb on blizzard, and another 32 on the scsi (when connect)
> powerc buffered ide i/f
> hypercom 1 (i think) on clockport.

sounds like it might be a power problem 0 and also, do you have the
proper 68040 and 68060 libraries installed...and the proper setpatch?

Message 36649

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: 3.5 wishlist update notification
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 16:47:51 +0000 (GMT)
On Fri, 12 Nov 1999 wrote:

> The same happened when I used my good old Blizzard 1230/IV. It has a
> full 030, yet things like ARTM and CPU say Not in Use. ????????

sure, you have to activate and use it, otherwise its 'not in use' :-)


Message 36650

Subject: [afb] ITX-files in C4d?
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 00:04:55 -0800
Is there a way I can import TextureStudio itx-files into C4d?
Or is there a convertor?


Message 36651

From :"Philip Meason" <>
Subject: [afb] Woo Hoo
Date: 12 Nov 99 18:24:08 +0000
  Thanks to a very good friend (H. Wood)  I am now the proud owner of
issue .  I have only had time for a quick browse through, but once
again it looks great ( I won't go on about all the features as it has
been done several weeks ago 80( )  It kinda weird seeing my name in
print, Fame and fortune are just around the corner.....  
  I hope sales are what you need them to be.  Now Where's all this new
hardware! ;0)
ICQ # 32585248
 Amiga Computers

Message 36652

From :Jon Barker <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Oh dear... something's broke
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 08:08:27 +0000
Hello Alan

On 12-Nov-99, Alan L.M. Buxey wrote:

> On 11 Nov 1999, Thomas Hurst wrote:

> why ot try YAM for AFB? Its free and its brilliant!

    Tom has his own reasons, and has said many times why he uses Thor, you
won't make him change to YAM just yet,

Jon Barker                         ICQ:20786000

Message 36653

From :Chris Andrews <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Sid4Amiga
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 19:00:48 +0000 (GMT)
Re: The question about the quality of emulation.

---------- Forwarded message ---------->

Hello Chris

Please, put this on post..

On 12-Nov-99, you wrote:
> Do you want to answer this one Paul:  
>  "...but does it sound any better than the PlaySID emulation, which
> sounds pretty good anyway IMHO? "

The Sid Emulation is based on the brilliant SidPlay Linux source, it
features Filter and full sample emulation. It will sound better if you have
the processing power and better still if you have a sound card.

By the way, please download the newest version (V3) as the one on the AF CD
is an old V2 archive and Sid4Amiga was re-written in between these
versions.  Main web site is: or get it from the

P.S. If you want near Real Time controls untick the Large Playback in the

Cheers Paul.



Message 36654

From :"Alex Furmanski" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amooga Format 131
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 19:03:27 -0000
Hi Sam

> > The PDA feature was interesting, but at the moment, not a lot of use.
> No
> > money, but I'll be sure to look back on it since it would be nice to
> get
> > something portable which can be used with my Amiga.
> I too found thing interesting, if not relevant to me.  The one thing
> Im concerned about with these four pages isnt the text - its the
> images!
> Ben - did someone have a bad paint day?  What is with the extremely
> bad pattern fill?  Its eating into the PDA's and the pens and the
> cables.  It looks Awful!

Uhm, unless I'm mistaken that's not a fill pattern, that's fluff.  They're
sitting on some fluffy stuff, like feathers or summat.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -
ICQ - 51206302

This week's lie: There was only one member of Take That, called Kevin, but
he was able to fool the eye into seeing more than one person by moving
extremely fast.  The real reason for "Robbie" leaving was Kevin beginning to
feel the onset of age, and no longer being able move as quickly as before.

Message 36655

From :4-0 <>
Subject: [afb] Re: ami show
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 19:32:40 +0100
Hello Matthew

On 08-Nov-99, you wrote:

>> anyone else coming?
> Only if Annex are there......(anyone get the pun?)

Nope, enlighten me please :-)


<sb>A4000 CyberStorm 040, pIV, 74mb, 4.3gb HD
<sb>*IRC* DalNET --> AmIRC & Amigagames

Message 36656

From :4-0 <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Lenticular
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 19:32:44 +0100
Hello Andrew

On 10-Nov-99, you wrote:

> If you mean hardware wise, the basic technology involved is similer to
> holigrams (works on the same principal), and I remember seeing a
> holigraphic Telly on Tomorrows world a while back, so it is possible to
> have a 3D (or fade at anlgles) computer screen, although I have a real
> funny feeling that they're still prototype. The fact that I've heard
> nothing of them since kinda gives it away... :)

Yeah, I saw a version of it on that rubbish games proggy that used to be on
ITV with Andy Crane and Violet Berlin. All that was on it though was a game
of pong, and the monitor was huge. Not the screen mind you, just the rest of


<sb>A4000 CyberStorm 040, pIV, 74mb, 4.3gb HD
<sb>*IRC* DalNET --> AmIRC & Amigagames

Message 36657

From :"Anthony Prime" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: ADMIN: Readme
Date: 13 Nov 99 10:10:12 +0100
The one and only Wibbler wibbled  about [afb] Re: ADMIN: Readme

> > Having a deadline on reading/replying to messages is un-realistic. I myself
> > check mail everynight, by this time there are usually dozons of replies to
> > paticular messages.

> A few similar messages over the space of a few hours isn't too bad; it's
> when people reply to the same original message a couple of days (or
> more) later with the same sentiments that it starts to get annoying. I'm
> not so bothered about downloading the messages, more that I start to
> read a posting thinking it might be interesting, and find I've already
> read the same thing eight times before.

Good point. When I was asked why I had been so quiet of late I said it
was because I was unable to keep up with threads, and so hadn't posted
days later when it was all a bit stale.

I too find it a bit annoying receiving new mail on threads that seemed
to have died some days ago, but as I too lack a permanent connection I
can only check mail every couple of days, which means I have to be
selective about what I post and when. However I wouldn't like to
impose anything on others.

As a good maxim I think we should consider the attitude of other
AFBers to our mail. If it will p^ss them off, don't post, if it adds
value go ahead.

Ahh, if life were so simple...

Anthony Prime
>>Milennium Bug? No Problem - Powered by Amiga in Crewe

Message 36658

From :Colin Buckenham <>
Subject: [afb] 3.5 & ImageFX 4
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 10:59:20 +0000
Hi All

Has anyone else had a problem loading ImageFX4 with OS3.5?
Until I installed this, and the 3.1 Rom's, I had no problems with IFX at all
but now it crashes the system and resets as soon as the main screen has
loaded. I have tried doing a re-install but the results are always the
I would be glad of any help as I am desperate to get a job finished before
the weekend is over and I need this programme to complete ir.

All the Best


In the land of the perfect the one eyed man is worthless.
But in the land of the blind the one eyed man is King


                                  100%  Amiga
                     Design,Printing &  Publishing 
                      for small charities and other
                  non-profit making organizations


Message 36659

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OT-Bt extension
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 11:16:26 +0000 (GMT)
On Thu, 11 Nov 1999, Albert Hunt wrote:

> Q1      Can some one tell me what leads go  to what  numbers ,  theres quite
> a few in a cable.

get BT to do this work...ny unauthorised repairs to installed BT phone
sockets can get you into big trouble

> Q2      The Route up the wall and through the floor space will if  i take
> the short route run accross some electric cables Is this a problem, or

no problem. you should see the sorts of stuff those BT lines pass by
outside your house! ;-)


Message 36660

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: HELP ME!!!!
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 11:18:23 +0000 (GMT)
On Fri, 12 Nov 1999, Peter Lewis wrote:

> The other day I installed Syndicate on DH1: and I was playing it quite 
> happily, then I saved it, and when it finished saving, I turned it off.
> I turned it onthe next day, and it was validating the hard drive, which I 
> don't mind, as most HD Installed games seem to do that when you save to hard 
> drives anyway (I think! I HOPE!)
> Well, after about five minutes, it was still going, then it crashed.
> YES, it CRASHED whilst validating.
> It then reset and tried to validate again, but then crashes and resets 
> before it finishs.

forget the WB validation tool - it can run out of memory on larger
partitions. Use a decent fixing program#

> PS Also, I can't format the drive as the Person I brought the A4000 off 
> never sent me the WB3.0 disks....:o) <= Tudor?

errr, you've still got WB're not formatting the system
disk...your formatting dh1: partition, which would mean you keep your
sys: alive and untouched


Message 36661

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: The new issue
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 11:22:47 +0000 (GMT)

> I wonder if they'll let me post the 2.04-3.1 changes list to my website.. and
> maybe the 3.1-3.5 changes list. That'll change your mind. There's a darn sight
> more to the new OS than a bunch of new icons and a progress bar. I think you're
> just too narrow minded and cynical to see it.

you can post the os3.0 -> 3.1 changes...i've been meaning to do that for
ages. i'd ask before posting the os3.1 -> os3.5 changes list...but
surely its no problem, as its not exactly a commercial reason to buy the
developer 2.1 CD 


Message 36662

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: 3.5 wishlist update notification
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 11:24:28 +0000 (GMT)

> Thanks for the help, but I have a lovely PPC now. The Blizzard 1230 has
> gone to a loving home: the games A1200 that sits upstairs!

my blizzard 030/50 with 50/882 and 16Mb RAM went to a local nurse who
was very happy (i did ask 100 ukp..but at the time, that was fair)
I dont miss the 030 with my 060/PPC, hell, when i bought it (the 030
card) it was 560 ukp, and people think these wonderful PPC cards are


Message 36663

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: SuperView Whinge and Whine
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 11:29:01 +0000 (GMT)

> Why does Kleinert keep whinging about his bloody program? He keeps
> complaining that it's being pirated and threatens to stop making
> programs for the Amiga. Does he really think a change to the PC is
> going to miraculously change everything? I have no idea what his
> program does because the sodding thing doesn't work on my computer.
> Does anyone here use it on a regular basis?

when i see authors whining about their small projects and saying that
they'll moce to the PC i think

'well, hows THAT going to change things?' 

what they dont seem to realise is that the PC market is massive...and
there'll be *NO* need for their program under Windows..maybe even
Linux! all, and they'll just be an end user struggling to get to
grips with the MS API's.

If people are contemplating moving to PC, let them. If they are real
computer users, they'll soon come back...with burnt fingers and a large
hole in their bank accounts


Message 36664

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: MMU`s (was os3.5 wishlist)
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 11:29:34 +0000 (GMT)
On Fri, 12 Nov 1999 wrote:

> Doesnt the latest setpatch 43.6b check for and enable MMU`s ? I am not

thats not the latest setpatch...welcome to os3.5 !!


Message 36665

From :Tim Seifert <>
Subject: [afb] Re: HTML - Removing frames
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 20:56:09 +1030
_Replying to a message_:

  From:  Andrew McCombe <>
   Via:  Amiga Format mailing list <>
 Dated:  Friday, 12-Nov-99, 23:14:18
 About:  [afb] HTML - Removing frames 

Hello Andrew,

> Is there a HTML tag that will clear a page of frames when a link is
> pressed.

<A HREF="link to new page" TARGET="_top">link prompt</A>
                                  ^^^^^^ _top should be lowercase.

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)


(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia)
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.

***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 36666

From :"Oliver Marks" <>
Subject: [afb] new pc and upgrading my amiga
Date: 13 Nov 99 12:20:18 -0500

I am getting a pc today to do my university work on 

my amiga is connected to the uni network and i was woundering if i got
a network card for the pc could i connect it to the amiga and access
the network that way because my amiga has two network ports on the
card but there is only one socket in my room so you can only have one
computer connected to it.

What software do i need for the pc so that i can share the devices coz
i am getting a large 17gb hard drive for my amiga and the pc is
getting a 3gb and i know how hard disk hungry the pc is so it might be
handy if i could store some of the data on the amigas hard disk.

can any one tell me if the boxer is actually for sale yet and weather
or not you can buy just the board coz i am thinking of getting one
after christmas.

I have a belima monitor can you buy switcher boxes so that you can
share it between two monitors?

Thanks for any help

Message 36667

From :Mark Saint John Ridley&Jessica Mordsley <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Computer Interaction - loading from vinyl etc. -OT?
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 11:40:47 +0100
On 11-Nov-99, Peter Gordon wrote:

>> On Tue, 9 Nov 1999, Alex Furmanski wrote:
>>>> which reminds me...why did noone create an LP system for the speccy?
>>>> Loading from vinyl might have been quite a faster option.. after all,
>>>> just turn that dial around a bit and you have a 2X drive too! ;-)
>>> Genius!  No more buckled tapes either!  I'm off to my workshop...

Does anyone remember a CD of spectrum games released for the spectrum?  I
mean they were stored as sound <nostalgia> Oh that
"eeeeerr-eek....eeeeer-diddliee-de-diddly" sound </nostalgia>


Message 36668

From :Matthew Garrett <>
Subject: [afb] Re: new pc and upgrading my amiga
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 13:20:28 +0000
On Sat, Nov 13, 1999 at 12:20:18PM -0500, Oliver Marks wrote:

> my amiga is connected to the uni network and i was woundering if i got
> a network card for the pc could i connect it to the amiga and access
> the network that way because my amiga has two network ports on the
> card but there is only one socket in my room so you can only have one
> computer connected to it.

Assuming that you're using twisted pair ethernet (which you almost
certainly are, as otherwise there wouldn't be a socket) then no. Your
choices are to put two network cards in the Amiga and use Miami DX, put
two network cards in the PC and use that (you'd probably be limited to
(eww) socks stuff if you're running Windows, unless you have Windows 98
release 2 - Linux lets you set everything up to be completely transparant)
or buy a hub for 30 or so.

> What software do i need for the pc so that i can share the devices coz
> i am getting a large 17gb hard drive for my amiga and the pc is
> getting a 3gb and i know how hard disk hungry the pc is so it might be
> handy if i could store some of the data on the amigas hard disk.

You could always swap the hard drive, but the best bet is probably SMB -
get Samba for the Amiga and set it up, the just mount it on the PC using
Windows file sharing.

> can any one tell me if the boxer is actually for sale yet and weather
> or not you can buy just the board coz i am thinking of getting one
> after christmas.

Not yet, apparantly.

> I have a belima monitor can you buy switcher boxes so that you can
> share it between two monitors?

Yes. Make sure you get a good quality one, otherwise it'll reduce the
quality of your video significantly.

Matthew Garrett |

Message 36669

From :Alan Bailey <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OT-Bt extension
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 13:40:46 +0000
Hello Alan

On 13-Nov-99, you wrote:

> get BT to do this work...ny unauthorised repairs to installed BT phone
> sockets can get you into big trouble

And line their pockets even more, nar!


/UIN/ - 42618074
<tsb>#   // Powered By Amiga #
<tsb># \X/    A1200 030/50   #
Man invented language to satisfy his deep need to complain.
-- Lily Tomlin

Message 36670

From :James Grist <>
Subject: [afb] Scala and music
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 14:04:59 +0100

I'm trying to put some scrolling credits on the end of a video (for a
school project) and I want to have some music playing at the same
time. Any ideas on how to get a track from a cd into a format that
scala MM300 can use? I can use MakeCD to get a raw file, an aiff or a wav,
but scala cant play these.

James Grist

Message 36671

From :"Richard Drummond" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: What good is OS3.5? (was The new issue)
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 13:43:04 +0000 (GMT)
Hello Peter

On 12-Nov-99, you wrote:
>> I am all for progress, but there has to be a point to it. If OS3.5 had
>> been revolutionary and added a lot of new or improved features then I
>> would definitely support it.

It's not sold as revolutionary. It does improve the OS significantly,
though. Many of the new features won't be apparent until software starts
supporting them.

> I won't buy something just "to keep the
>> Amiga alive". I don't think it will make a blind bit of difference in the
>> long term anyway.

A rather fatalistic view.  ;)

> <sigh> If Haage and Partner don't sell 20,000 copies of 3.5, they wont
> make 3.6, 3.7, 4.0 etc. etc. New and revolutionary features in the OS
> simply wont *ever* appear if you dont support their efforts to upgrade our
> OS for us. Do you see?

IMO, one point that people haven't picked up on with regard to OS3.5 is that
it makes the Amiga that much more attractive to potential new users. You
get a more modern-looking OS, with better printer support and Internet
connectivity out of the box.

OK, so we don't have any new hardware at the moment. But a BoXeR or one of
Power's new Z4-based boxes or whatver stands more chance of bringing new
users to the platform with OS3.5 pre-installed rather than OS3.1. I know
that the thought of new Amiga-compatible machines and actually increasing
the Amiga user-base are both rather optmistic dreams, but we do need both.

OS3.5 offers a lot more than just the surface dressing. I think that
Haage&Partner have done a damn fine job, especially considering the
time-scale. If you consider yourself a faithful Amiga user, you should go
out and buy OS3.5 just to show your support, if nothing else. That's the
only way we'll see further updates.


Richard Drummond
Staff Writer, Amiga Format

pgp   :
phone : +44 (0)1225 442244 ext 2417

Message 36672

From :Andy Mills <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Fusion Help Please.
Date: 13 Nov 99 14:22:03 +0000
Hello michael.carrillo, on 12-Nov-99 13:54:29 you said about:
  [afb] Fusion Help Please. 


>I know you lot are probably sick and tired of answering Fusion 3.1
>questions. However I'm hoping that someone here can either answer my
>problem or point me to an FAQ or mailing list..

Hello there me ol' matey... ;)

You can join the fusion mailing list by emailing and putting subscribe in the subject.

Apart from that, I can't help. :(

 Andy Mills -
 South West Amiga Group -
 afb-ot's official webshite -
First the memory goes then...I forget the rest!

Message 36673

From :"Ahmad Zayer" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: A simle idea for a huge survival campaign!
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 23:32:29 +0300
-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Gordon []
Sent: Saturday, November 13, 1999 1:23 AM
Subject: [afb] Re: A simle idea for a huge survival campaign!
Umm.. sorry to point this out, but, what exactly would this achieve!?
To be honest with you: nothing but shouting.... :(

Message 36674

From :Tim Seifert <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Scala and music
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 01:27:27 +1030
_Replying to a message_:

  From:  James Grist <>
   Via:  Amiga Format mailing list <>
 Dated:  Saturday, 13-Nov-99, 23:34:59
 About:  [afb] Scala and music

Hello James,

> I'm trying to put some scrolling credits on the end of a video (for a
> school project) and I want to have some music playing at the same
> time. Any ideas on how to get a track from a cd into a format that
> scala MM300 can use? I can use MakeCD to get a raw file, an aiff or a
> wav, but scala cant play these.

There are utils to convert WAVEs into native Amiga formats.  That'd be
my first suggestion, if your grabber can't do that directly

Oh, I do use Scala (MM400) by the way, so if you want to fire off other
questions at me, this isn't a shot in the dark.

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)


(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia)

Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.

***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  ***

Message 36675

From :Andy Kinsella <>
Subject: [afb] Re: 060 woes. . .
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 15:27:11 +0000
Greetings  Alan

On 12-Nov-99, you wrote:

> On Thu, 11 Nov 1999, Andy Kinsella wrote:

>> Configuration:
>> 1200 v1d3
>> kick 39.106 wb 39.29
>> 32mb on blizzard, and another 32 on the scsi (when connect)
>> powerc buffered ide i/f
>> hypercom 1 (i think) on clockport.

> sounds like it might be a power problem 0 and also, do you have the
> proper 68040 and 68060 libraries installed...and the proper
> setpatch?

It's in a powertower with plenty of wattage methinks. . .

Library and setpatch versions are:

68040 - 44.1
68060 - 44.3 both of these were on the disk along with cyber patcher
etc. I've tried other versions found in various places, but they make
it very unstable. . .

If you can suggest better versions, I'll give 'em a try.

Setpatch is 43.6b.

I'm using it at this very moment with the scsi kit attached. It is
rock solid, it's just the fist half an hour or so after power up that
it's a one legged horse.

That suggests a dry joint or somewhat else heat effected; but maybe it
could be summat else. Christ knows :)

> alan


/PGP Key available on request/

What happens to the hole when the cheese is gone?
-- Bertolt Brecht

Message 36676

From :Alan Bailey <>
Subject: [afb] Re: The new issue
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 15:29:49 +0000

On 12-Nov-99, you wrote:

> He was playing the salesman, and you
> went and bought the double-glazing.

Hey, that makes a great Tagline :-)


/UIN/ - 42618074
<tsb>#   // Powered By Amiga #
<tsb># \X/    A1200 030/50   #
WARNING: consumption of alcohol is the leading cause of inexplicable rug
burns on the forehead.

Message 36677

From :Andy Kinsella <>
Subject: [afb] Re: ITX-files in C4d?
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 15:29:20 +0000

On 13-Nov-99, you wrote:

> Is there a way I can import TextureStudio itx-files into C4d?
> Or is there a convertor?

The .ITX files are actually Imagine Textures. The only way to use them
outside imagine/texture-studio/forge is to render them to bitmaps in
texturestudio or forge and use them as image maps.

> Thanx
> maarten


/PGP Key available on request/

You cannot kill time without injuring eternity.
-- Thoreau

Message 36678

From :"Primo Busancano" <>
Subject: [afb] Re:Imagine
Date: 13 Nov 99 14:46:45 +0000
Hello Andy,
You are quite right,that was my daughter who was trying to get onto
Imagines mailing list,her name is Amanda.And our name is
Busancano,that's the part you couldn't remember.
  She has got onto the list some time ago.But during that time,and up
till now,she has be rather ill and has not bothered to open up her
mail,may be this weekend.
  Many thanks for asking.
  Primo.                  13/11/1999

Message 36679

From :"Chris Dallimore" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OT-Bt extension
Date: 13 Nov 99 15:59:49 +0000
On Sat, 13 Nov 1999 11:16:26 +0000 (GMT), Alan L.M. Buxey said:

> On Thu, 11 Nov 1999, Albert Hunt wrote:
> > Q1      Can some one tell me what leads go  to what  numbers ,  theres quite
> > a few in a cable.
> get BT to do this work...ny unauthorised repairs to installed BT phone
> sockets can get you into big trouble

You don't need to get BT to do the work. Extensions are not rented, they are
sold (with a 12 month warranty). You are perfectly within your rights to
add/remove extensions as long as you connect via the removable section on
the main socket.


Message 36680

Subject: [afb] a1200 motherboard fix
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 08:31:31 -0800
can any one tell me where the reported parts are on the a1200
motherboard are that need to be removed. I have the documentation
saying which they are but i cant find them on the motherboard are they
near the budgie chip or near the clock port please help as I think this
is the cause of all my random crashes which dont come up with gurus.
Ive taken evry precaution to ensure a stable system including fan on
bvision. This prob is so frustrating its untrue!

System Config
A1200T WB 3.1, Roms 3.1 Flashed to fastmem
BlizzPPC 603e+060/50 240mhz(under warpup only) 98mb of ram,
Bvision,Cybergraphix 4.1
IBM4.3gb HD
Pioneer 24xCDDrive
Maxtor2.1gb HD
HP 7200i Rewriter
All drives in this order
Also can anyone tell me which system patch makes the power LED go dim
once fully booted

Message 36681

From :"Primo Busancano" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: New issue of AF.
Date: 13 Nov 99 16:40:45 +0000
Hello Ben,
Just say I've my new issue on Thursday 11th.I've had a quick look at
it,and so far I've liked what I've seen,but I've been to busy to have
an in depth read--perhaps tomorrow.
  Ben do you think you could do a tutorial around hard drives.You know
the sort of thing.Things like how to create partitions,how big to make
them.Things to do/not to do,that sort of thing.I for one would benefit
from a refresher type tutorial---may be others would to.
  Many thanks,Primo.         13/11/1999

Message 36682

Subject: [afb] Re: Required, close up picture of A1200 motherboard
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 08:46:55 -0800
Tim, Alan,

> errm, i..and many others...use email to write to the list - when you
> setup your account you can get it to mail the items to your
> mailbox...then you just use your email program..think i'd spend all
> just clicking on links? ;-)

Sounds better than using this HTML interface.

Email. I remember seeing that some time ago when I first joined. I
decided against it so that I'd avid an inbox full of messages. Then
again, I can always read them off line, which is not something I can do
with the HTML interface.

One quick fiddle with afb setting later. Looking forwards to 100's of

> do you mean you typed in instead of typing in
>  Or did you just forget to type slash
> when you described it above.

I did the but it did not appear in the
preview. this time, however, I will post and be damned. If it works, I
will just have to remember to be more adventurous in the future!

When i switch to an email program to do this, I will not have to worry
as the one I use works with the

As far as my posting is concerned, with this HTML interface, there are
4 buttons. Send, Cancel, Larger and Preview. Along with a uses HTML
switch and a wrap words switch.

Anyhow, it looks like no one here seems to have pictures or know of
pictures like I am after. Time for another crawl around the web :-(


Message 36683

From :Darren Silcock <>
Subject: [afb] Re: What good is OS3.5? (was The new issue)
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 17:16:21 +0100
IMO, one point that people haven't picked up on with regard to OS3.5 is
that it makes the Amiga that much more attractive to potential new users.
You get a more modern-looking OS, with better printer support and Internet
connectivity out of the box.

OK, so we don't have any new hardware at the moment. But a BoXeR or one of
Power's new Z4-based boxes or whatver stands more chance of bringing new
users to the platform with OS3.5 pre-installed rather than OS3.1. I know
that the thought of new Amiga-compatible machines and actually increasing
the Amiga user-base are both rather optmistic dreams, but we do need both.

OS3.5 offers a lot more than just the surface dressing. I think that
Haage&Partner have done a damn fine job, especially considering the
time-scale. If you consider yourself a faithful Amiga user, you should go
out and buy OS3.5 just to show your support, if nothing else. That's the
only way we'll see further updates.


Summed up brilliantly I think!

This is now the Standard OS and looks more attractive for a new buyer. To
get 3.0/3.1 to this level, patches and hacks have to be involved, a new
user doesn't want this. They want a good looking GUI which is easy to use
as soon as they switch it on. Yes 3.0/3.1 is easy to use, but at today's
standards it's not very nice to look at.

I for-one will be buying this (spent tons over the last month, that's why
I'm late getting it) and hope to see further versions.



Message 36684

From :Darren Silcock <>
Subject: [afb] ZII Board & Powerflyer
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 17:27:00 +0100
Can anyone help,

Will a powerflyer fit under the Micronik ZII board or Z4 board. I need
faster transfer



Message 36685

From :Darren Silcock <>
Subject: [afb] Re: a1200 motherboard fix
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 17:28:38 +0100
can any one tell me where the reported parts are on the a1200
motherboard are that need to be removed. I have the documentation
saying which they are but i cant find them on the motherboard are they
near the budgie chip or near the clock port please help as I think this
is the cause of all my random crashes which dont come up with gurus.
Ive taken evry precaution to ensure a stable system including fan on
bvision. This prob is so frustrating its untrue!

What's this then, would be appreciated.


Message 36686

From :"Darren" <>
Subject: [afb] Epson Photo 750 ?
Date: 13 Nov 99 17:53:20 +0000
After the article earlier in July's AF about the Epson Photo 700 I
decided that my Star dot matrix printer was alittle old hat. I am
thinking of and currently looking at buying the Epson Photo 750.

Does anyone have any experience with this printer?  am I likely to
achieve reasonable photographic quality with my miggy ? is the printer
supported by Turboprint (which I am intending to buy) ?

My goal is to buy a reasonable quality inkjet for home use. I would
like to be able to print out some of my scanned photos. I currently
use a HP deskjet 1100 (I think thats the number, but could be wrong)
at work on a PeeSee which gives very good results for an inkjet.

opinions welcome.


email :
Isn't it nice having a computer that only needs booting once per day !

Message 36687

Subject: [afb] Re: ITX-files in C4d?
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 10:09:11 -0800
andy kinsella <> wrote:
original article:

> The .ITX files are actually Imagine Textures. The only way to use them
> outside imagine/texture-studio/forge is to render them to bitmaps in
> texturestudio or forge and use them as image maps.

I know, and that';s what I do know, but I want to use ITX-files 'cause
they are mathematical textures and therefore more precise.

but thanx anyway

Message 36688

From :Darren Silcock <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Epson Photo 750 ?
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 18:38:18 +0100
After the article earlier in July's AF about the Epson Photo 700 I
decided that my Star dot matrix printer was alittle old hat. I am
thinking of and currently looking at buying the Epson Photo 750.

Does anyone have any experience with this printer?  am I likely to
achieve reasonable photographic quality with my miggy ? is the printer
supported by Turboprint (which I am intending to buy) ?

My goal is to buy a reasonable quality inkjet for home use. I would
like to be able to print out some of my scanned photos. I currently
use a HP deskjet 1100 (I think thats the number, but could be wrong)
at work on a PeeSee which gives very good results for an inkjet.


I have the Stylus 640 colour and it's superb. The only fault I have with
this is... erm ..... maybe it could do with being a bit faster on colour
printing. Slip a picture on photo paper and the first time you see it you
believe you eyes.


Message 36689

Subject: [afb] Re: Amooga Format 131
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 10:53:28 -0800
Hi Alex,

> > Ben - did someone have a bad paint day?  What is with the extremely
> > bad pattern fill?  Its eating into the PDA's and the pens and the
> > cables.  It looks Awful!
> Uhm, unless I'm mistaken that's not a fill pattern, that's fluff.
> sitting on some fluffy stuff, like feathers or summat.

Still looks *extremely* tacky and naff.  Like someone just went at the
background with a clone tool. (With a very large brush size).

Bifford the Youngest.

Message 36690

From :"Neil Bullock" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amooga Format 131
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 08:10:42 -0000
> Still looks *extremely* tacky and naff.  Like someone just went at the
> background with a clone tool. (With a very large brush size).

Why is it that whenever someone dislikes something in AF, I like it? :) I
thought the fluffy stuff was quite nice, personally. Anyway, there's nothing
you can do about it now :)

Oh, and I thought the afb page was brilliant, so personal thanks to Daniel
Thornton for making me laugh, and making everyone in the house wake up because
of said laughter :)


Message 36691

From :"Phil Ellis" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: The new issue
Date: 13 Nov 99 19:01:10 +0000
Hello Peter Gordon,
 your comments on [afb] Re: The new issue have got me thinking
>> I did however find it disappointing that we are to be "bullied" into buying
>> OS3.5.

>Bullied? hahaha... Buy OS3.5 or we'll send Big Ron round with a baseball bat

No, please don't send Ron! ;-)

><sigh> If Haage and Partner don't sell 20,000 copies of 3.5, they wont make
>3.6, 3.7, 4.0 etc. etc. New and revolutionary features in the OS simply wont
>*ever* appear if you dont support their efforts to upgrade our OS for us. Do
>you see?

<even bigger sigh>
Yes I do see, but I won't buy a product just on the promise that the next one
will be worth having. We've had plenty of promises broken to know how much
they're worth.

Phil Ellis Amiga 4000/040 PIV Magellan II ICQ 38892967
For information on Cystic Fibrosis
Amiga: Intuition Inside.

Message 36692

From :4-0 <>
Subject: [afb] Mui cleaning
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 23:06:34 +0100
Hiya all

I've recently had to reinstalled MUI onto my system 'cos one of the updates
was causing it to crash. I used snoopdos, but the crash prevented me from
finding out what was causing the problem. Anyway everything is ok now,
except that when I run snoopdos and load up the global mui prefs editor, i
see that it's making requests for mcc's that i havent reinstalled yet. Is
there a way I can flush this mcc list as it makes the mui proggy take longer
to load.
I hope you understood all that.


<sb>A4000 CyberStorm 040, pIV, 74mb, 4.3gb HD
<sb>*IRC* DalNET --> AmIRC & Amigagames

Message 36693

From :4-0 <>
Subject: [afb] Cookie Monster
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 00:17:19 +0100
Hiya all

Does anyone know how to set up cookies using Javascript & if so, what can I
do with on? (not including eating it)  :-)


<sb>A4000 CyberStorm 040, pIV, 74mb, 4.3gb HD
<sb>*IRC* DalNET --> AmIRC & Amigagames

Message 36694

From :Paul Crellin <>
Subject: [afb] Re: What good is OS3.5? (was The new issue)
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 20:25:04 +0000
Lets hear it for Rich. He may be a long haired hippie and The Prince
of Darkness but he knows what he's talking about.

At the moment the Amiga is not as alive as any of us would want and
the only way to support it is to at least buy the OS upgrades as this
is the only type of software that points forward and gives the hope
that things have not been put on the shelf forever.

Keep it up Rich. Tell it like it is.

Yours P.C.

Message 36695

From :"Oliver Roberts" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Epson Photo 750 ?
Date: 13 Nov 99 20:28:08 +0000
Hi Darren,

On 13-Nov-99 17:53:20 GMT, Darren wrote:

> After the article earlier in July's AF about the Epson Photo 700 I
> decided that my Star dot matrix printer was alittle old hat. I am
> thinking of and currently looking at buying the Epson Photo 750.
> Does anyone have any experience with this printer?  am I likely to

Yep - I bought one earlier in the year (BTW, the ink carts still
haven't run out ;)

> achieve reasonable photographic quality with my miggy ? is the printer

I should think so.  To be honest, I haven't done much photographic
printing yet, let alone used any of the expensive special paper that
came with the printer.

> supported by Turboprint (which I am intending to buy) ?

Now, this is something I am not completely happy with.  At this time,
no specific driver for the Photo 750 exists - one of the reasons I
chose the Photo 750 (above the other Epson models) was because
Irseesoft were promising the imminent release of a 750 driver.  But,
that was about 8 months ago, and it still hasn't appeared - the
website ( still says it is in development.

Having said that, I'm using the Stylus 740 driver instead, which is
quite adequate, but I have noticed some problems with it, which
would hopefully be solved in a dedicated 750 driver (I think it's
due to the 750 having 6 colours instead of the 740's 4).

> My goal is to buy a reasonable quality inkjet for home use. I would
> like to be able to print out some of my scanned photos. I currently
> use a HP deskjet 1100 (I think thats the number, but could be wrong)
> at work on a PeeSee which gives very good results for an inkjet.

You'll probably find most of the current Epson models to offer the
same or better quality.  Also, I see Epson have recently launched
their new wave of Stylus printers (460, 660, 760, etc), which means
that many dealers are offloading the old models (440, 640, 740, etc)
at discounted prices.  So, that's maybe something to consider.  The
Photo 750 can be picked up for 190 nowadays, and I would think the
new Stylus 760 (or the slightly older 740) at 170 is worth
considering too.

If you haven't definitely decided on the 750 yet, then it might be
a good idea if you get some free brochures detailing the printers,
if you have not already got them.  You can get these from

 *Oliver Roberts*  -  Norwich, UK  -  Software Developer & Web Designer
 /  |  /  -  ICQ: 34640231
 Virtual GP mailing list ==>

Message 36696

From :"Phil Ellis" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: What good is OS3.5? (was The new issue)
Date: 13 Nov 99 19:06:59 +0000
Hello Darren Silcock,
 your comments on [afb] Re: What good is OS3.5? (was The new issue) have got me thinking
>IMO, one point that people haven't picked up on with regard to OS3.5 is
>that it makes the Amiga that much more attractive to potential new users.


>Summed up brilliantly I think!

>This is now the Standard OS and looks more attractive for a new buyer. To
>get 3.0/3.1 to this level, patches and hacks have to be involved, a new
>user doesn't want this. They want a good looking GUI which is easy to use
>as soon as they switch it on. Yes 3.0/3.1 is easy to use, but at today's
>standards it's not very nice to look at.

And there are soooo many people out there buying new Amigas to get impressed.

Phil Ellis Amiga 4000/040 PIV Magellan II ICQ 38892967
For information on Cystic Fibrosis
Commodore: The first myth of management was that it existed..

Message 36697

From :"Phil Ellis" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: The new issue
Date: 13 Nov 99 19:20:51 +0000
Hello matt,Sir ;-)
 your comments on [afb] Re: The new issue have got me thinking
>Phil Ellis wrote:

>It's a question of support. If you can't be bothered to support the cause you
>CLAIM to advocate, then you may as well go and advocate something else.

Won't, and you can't make me :-p

>If you aren't prepared to buy OS3.5, then we can all hold you personally
>responsible for the fact that there may never be a new Classic OS. Certainly
>never one that is.... revolutionary?

I've finally broken Matts cover. He's ....MY WIFE! She blames me for everything
too. ;-)

>> In the Amiga OS3.5 selling well boxout we are told that "Amiga Format urges
>>  you"  buy the new OS, "with the promise of more and more OS3.5 - only
>> software destined  for our CD in the coming months".

>Yeah, and what of it? So they want to make the CD more advanced. It's no
>secret that developers will want to take advantage of the new OS features
>like 24bit printing support, the Arexx port in Workbench etc.

Turboprint, dopus, been there got that.


>Bye bye then. I'll not miss you one jot.

But I'd miss your eloquent wit Matt. :-)

>> I am all for progress, but there has to be a point to it. If OS3.5 had been
>>  revolutionary

>*WHY* does everything coming from ANYWHERE have to be revolutionary now? Why?
>Tell me that. What's wrong with evolution. You tell me that Darwin was wrong,
>natural selection is a joke, and it would be better to wipe out a species
>10,000 years for the sake of re-inventing the wheel (or butterfly, whatever)

Now don't get me started on evolution! <Phoebe>

>> My next spare 60 is going towards Photogenics.

>Just so you can watch it CRASH CRASH CRASH under the weight of the unecessary
>patches, and the bugs in 3.0 and the hideously convoluted DOpus setup you

Now I know you must be my wife. How would you know I have a hideously convoluted
DOpus set up? (I runs quite nicely thank you very much) It all boils down to
value for money. I'll let all you suckers buy 3.5 and I'll wait for 4.0 (If it
ever comes)

;-)  I'm just joking honestly Matt.

Phil Ellis Amiga 4000/040 PIV Magellan II ICQ 38892967
For information on Cystic Fibrosis
As a computer, I find your faith in technology amusing.

Message 36698

From :"Paul Cundle" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Evil Rich's Admin Readme
Date: 13 Nov 99 16:47:34 +0000
Alan L.M. Buxey reckons he knows a bit about [afb] Re: Evil Rich's Admin Readme, but there's more to it than that.

> > People don't look at the subject headers though. When you get hundreds
> > of mails, a lot of people just start reading them all (I do anyway).

> most people do

Let's have a poll...

/me doesn't go off to make one because he can't be bothered.

[snip worryingly organised mail-reading routine]

> when i've caught up with them all, i'll go into the other things, such
> as AFB , more private email (and replies to earlier stuff), aminet
> latest downloads etc.
> during all this time, i have plenty of time to see ADMIN: Readme!

I just go straight into the afb folder and read them all straight off,

> ..its just a thought - and would cut down on a lot of already answered
> replies, junk posting etc

Oh, yeah, we do need it. Personally, I just write all my replies as I
go along, and if someone else has already said it or there's an Admin
saying don't say it (!) then I delete it. Seeeeeemple.

> alan

Paul C, all day
... Electrical Engineers DO IT with less resistance.

Message 36699

From :"Paul Cundle" <>
Subject: [afb] Parallel printer
Date: 13 Nov 99 21:04:28 +0000
Hi all,

Now I've got my printer working, I've discovered something odd:

If I boot normally, it prints okay
If I boot with no startup-sequence and assign Printers: to
devs:printers, I get told the printer is not responding, but I'm sure
this always used to be possible. I test it by using
'echo "some text" >prt:'  OR
'echo "some text" >par:'

Am I missing something obvious?

Paul C, not a moron
... Q: How many gorillas does it take to screw in a light bulb?
    A: Only one, but it sure takes a shitload of light bulbs!

Message 36700

From :Ken Walsh <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amooga Format 131
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 22:10:18 +0000
> Oh, one last thing - are we not getting the extra Christmas Edition?
> You refer to this as as the Christmas edition (on the CD notice, front
> cover) but its not very christmassy.  And the next issue is a 2K one.

As a shareholder I say go ahead and print an extra edition :-)

     Cheers all the best


Message 36701

From :Ken Walsh <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OT-Bt extension
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 22:20:32 +0000
Hello Albert

> Hi All
> Have got  to  Re-route my extension from the Bt socket  in the hall to the
> back room Where the computer is. The BT box thing in the hall is the type
> that

I split my BT connnection up ages ago as soon as it comes into the original BT
box it splits into 4 ways (this does not include the original BT plug box
which has a phone socket unused) this goes all over the house and up stairs.
My computer room is at the end of the link this is a double socket for phone
and modem (this cable link has to be 30m long or thereabouts) I've never had
any trouble with this what so ever. I get great connection either 'net or
normal phone use.

           Cheers all the best


Message 36702

From :"Paul Cundle" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Parallel printer
Date: 13 Nov 99 22:17:44 +0000
Some guy around here has been mumbling again. Apparently it was me.


> If I boot normally, it prints okay

But only when printing to PRT:
If I try to print to PAR: if just gives up.

> If I boot with no startup-sequence and assign Printers: to
> devs:printers, I get told the printer is not responding, but I'm sure
> this always used to be possible. I test it by using
> 'echo "some text" >prt:'  OR
> 'echo "some text" >par:'

This is still true, so basically

1) It refuses to print to PAR:
2) It will print to PRT: but only if I boot fully.

Paul C,
... "OK Mom, I'm going to hypnotize you now," said Tom transparently.

Message 36703

From :Wesley Potter <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Parallel Port Problems
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 00:16:57 +0100
On 07-Nov-99 Paul Cundle said:

> Trouble is, I only 'borrowed' the scanner a couple of weeks ago, and
> the results have always been really dreadful. I don't know if it's
> just the scanner, or perhaps one of the pins in the parallel port
> isn't working (but not a vital one).

What Software you using to drive the scanner and is it a replacement port?
I've been looking for software to drive one of these scanners for ages.

Wesley Potter ICQ: 34306277
Amiga Online Technical Support available at
Mailing list:

Message 36704

From :Wesley Potter <>
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: 08/11/99 What make of Harddrive do you have?
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 01:03:08 +0100
On 08-Nov-99 Bert Volders said:

> I've got both a Seagate (2 GB SCSI) and a Quantum (850 MB SCSI). So what
> to vote then?

The Quantum. Seagate drives are shite ;) Mine was riddled with errors when
run through a PC :( Now got a Quantum Fireball (How come there ain't an XL5
model? :)

Wesley Potter ICQ: 34306277
Amiga Online Technical Support available at
Mailing list:

Message 36705

From :Wesley Potter <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Flakey multiview?
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 01:06:53 +0100
On 08-Nov-99 james said:

> Usually my Amiga is pretty stable, but when it does crash I've
> noticed that it's often when I am reading a text file in Multiview.
> Has anyone else noticed this, and is there a solution?
> I am currently using OS3.0, and yes I will be upgrading to 3.5 but
> not for a couple of months.

Sounds like a bad datatype try reinstalling. BTW you're not alone in waiting
a couple of months before upgrading I'm waiting for the niggly bits to be
ironed out first.

Wesley Potter ICQ: 34306277
Amiga Online Technical Support available at
Mailing list:

Message 36706

From :Wesley Potter <>
Subject: [afb] Re: No Subject
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 01:23:31 +0100
On 09-Nov-99 said:

> But I can't get rid of VisualPrefs; what would happen to my lurvly GUI?!

I can't stand VP's interpretation of the XEN gui. I much prefer MCP's
NewLook GadTools

Wesley Potter ICQ: 34306277
Amiga Online Technical Support available at
Mailing list:

Message 36707

From :Wesley Potter <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PSU -12v
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 15:24:18 +0100
On 09-Nov-99 said:

> I thought the switch-on device was interesting. The PSU has no on/off
> switch. I discovered that a pair of slim wires went to a small 2 pin
> socket. When these wires are shorted the main PSU outputs and fan kick
> in. This implies that the PSU has 2 stages, a low voltage, low power
> stage, just to be able to sense this switch and a secondary main power
> supply. I`ve just extended the slim wires and adapted the old tower
> switch circuit card to operate the PSU. Ive also used the existing
> LED's on that card for the Amiga ones.

Sounds like an ATX power supply to me :) Get an AT for your tower

Good Luck !

Wesley Potter ICQ: 34306277
Amiga Online Technical Support available at
Mailing list:

Message 36708

From :Wesley Potter <>
Subject: [afb] Re: BVisionPPC Status and AteoBus
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 16:51:10 +0100
On 10-Nov-99 Alan L.M. Buxey said:

> ? limited to 2Mb? The Pixel64 card, yes, the BUS, no. there should be a
> 3D (voodoo) AteoBUS solution coming soon...the only problem with the
> AteoBUS is the actual access speed. if you are after a 'non BVision
> solution' then the Z4 may be a better bet. you can hope for a Z4
> voodooII may not get one...but the PIV people might not get a
> voodoo addon either.  This would leave the only 3D gfx solution as the
> CV3D old sad S3 Virge chip  <sigh>

Voodoo!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! The Ateo Bus is ISA so I doubt it would be a
voodoo, come to think of it I don't recall any 3D cards that fit into a ISA
slot so are they changing it to PCI hmmm....

Wesley Potter ICQ: 34306277
Amiga Online Technical Support available at
Mailing list:

Message 36709

From :Wesley Potter <>
Subject: [afb] Re: those classic games
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 17:26:23 +0100
On 11-Nov-99 said:

> Does anyone have an idea where i can download old speccy or amiga games
> from the internet.  I'm especially talkin about Arkanoid, Back 2
> school, out run, the alechemist, zoom, ant attack, etc.
> It would be gratefully appreciated
> honest

I might have som of those games here. email me privatly if you want them

Wesley Potter ICQ: 34306277
Amiga Online Technical Support available at
Mailing list:

Message 36710

From :"Neil Bullock" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Flakey multiview?
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 11:48:12 -0000
> > Usually my Amiga is pretty stable, but when it does crash I've
> > noticed that it's often when I am reading a text file in Multiview.
> > Has anyone else noticed this, and is there a solution?
> > I am currently using OS3.0, and yes I will be upgrading to 3.5 but
> > not for a couple of months.

Let me write my version of the above:

Usually my Amiga is pretty unstable, but when it does crash, I've notice that
I can be doing anything at all. Infact, I don't need to be on my Amiga for it
to happen. Multiview crashes, but not as much as everything else. Has anyone
else noticed this? :) I'll be upgrading to OS3.5, and as it's approaching
Christmas, I should be having a total hard disk breakdown soon (as per the
previous three years) so I'll have the ideal reason to upgrade my OS. - but
not for a couple of months :)

> Sounds like a bad datatype try reinstalling. BTW you're not alone in waiting
> a couple of months before upgrading I'm waiting for the niggly bits to be
> ironed out first.

Multiview is buggy and unstable anyway. When reading AmigaGuides, the
scrolling refuses to work with the arrow keys, and if I use the actual arrow
buttons below the scrollbar, it crashes. Text is the same. And if I use the
arrow keys when the scrollbar is halfway into the text, it goes back up to the
top again. How irritating :)


Message 36711

From :Alexander Timiney <>
Subject: [afb] Opertunity for an upgrade.
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 23:53:27 +0000

It seems that in the new year I may be getting 200ish. By this time I will
hve about 240 to spend or save on anything I wish.
I would like some help in deciding exactly what to do.

Current thoughts are - buy a new montior for my PC,
           repair my current monitor leaving me about 150,
          forget my PC altogether for the moment and do one of the
          buy a big SCSI harddisk, (is there any advantage in a 5.25"
          buy an 040 card (even just a 25Mhz one would give 3x the speed)
          save up a bit longer (say, until july) and buy a PPC or G4
          tower up my amiga
          get a monitor/flicker fixer for my amiga

Id like to get a faster proccessor, but bear in mind that Id also need a
SCSI kit for it, and at least 16mb of ram
I will consider buying second hand, but I'm a bit paranoid and don't wont
the hassle of transporting stuff

-Curry, so much time, so little to do...

This message was brought to you by Marian, the quirky A1200

 '030@40MHz + '882 FPU,
 8Mb Fast RAM
 Internal 81Mb HDD
 'Internal' 32x SCSI CD-ROM via Typhoon interface
 Phonic Pro V.90 MoDem
 Heavy Duty PSU
"Nobody escapes us!"

Message 36712

From :"Paul Cundle" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Parallel Port Problems
Date: 13 Nov 99 23:14:24 +0000
On Sat Nov 13, Wesley Potter was heard muttering:

> > Trouble is, I only 'borrowed' the scanner a couple of weeks ago, and
> > the results have always been really dreadful=2E I don't know if it's
> > just the scanner, or perhaps one of the pins in the parallel port
> > isn't working (but not a vital one)=2E
> What Software you using to drive the scanner

It's called Powerscan Professional=2E It came with the scanner from
Power Computing=2E
I suppose they might still have it, but it really isn't that good=2E It
runs very badly on my 040/28 , and if you have a graphics card you'll
probably br out of luck=2E
It was written in the days when an 8bit B/W hand scanner cost =A3100 !

> and is it a replacement port?

Nope, just the plain old A1200 internal parallel=2E

> Wesley Potter=20=20=20=20

Paul C, with feet on the ground
=2E=2E=2E Q=2E What's the difference between a dead trombonist in the road =
and a
       dead country singer in the road?
    A=2E The country singer may have been on his way to a recording session=

Message 36713

From :Andy Kinsella <>
Subject: [afb] Re: ITX-files in C4d?
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 19:46:12 +0000

On 13-Nov-99, you wrote:

> andy kinsella <> wrote:
> original article:

>> The .ITX files are actually Imagine Textures. The only way to use
>> them outside imagine/texture-studio/forge is to render them to
>> bitmaps in texturestudio or forge and use them as image maps.

> I know, and that';s what I do know, but I want to use ITX-files
> 'cause they are mathematical textures and therefore more precise.

It just isn't possible to use them in c4d as procedural textures ain't
supported at all (not in the amiga version anyway).

I suggest you ditch c4d and use imagine. There are a couple of hundred
mathematical textures for you to get your teeth into :)

> but thanx anyway
> maarten


/PGP Key available on request/

It is better to have tried and failed than to have failed to try, but
the result's the same.
-- Mike Dennison

Message 36714

From :Bert Volders <>
Subject: [afb] OS 3.5: Brilliant!!!! But not for new-commers......
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 00:54:43 +0100
Hey AFB,

Today I was in Cologne and got me some nice software (OS3.5, CGFX4.1, Flyin
High, Linux and VGP). Naturally I started with OS3.5. It looked good from the
start until the moment I thought: Hey, let's download e-mails with YAM.
Wrong! Some morron forgot to make RexxMast start-up as standard thus leaving
me searching for the crashes with YAM.That pissed me off, escpecially since
AmigaMail, 3.5 software, only seems to be able to send mail and not receiving
it. So for the future: make RexxMast a standard starter.

CGFX runs cool, VGP is a hand full, Flyin' High is actually pretty good and
Linux, well, we'll see tomorrow...

Bert Volders
^^^^^Don't go there, its not finished yet...
ICQ_Nick: Speedy
ICQ_UIN: 38809545

Message 36715

From :"Daniel Thornton" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amooga Format 131
Date: 14 Nov 99 01:42:04 +0000
On Sat, 13 Nov 1999 08:10:42 -0000, Neil Bullock wibbled=2E=2E=2E

> Oh, and I thought the afb page was brilliant, so personal thanks to Danie=
> Thornton for making me laugh, and making everyone in the house wake up be=
> of said laughter :)

Awww, you're making me blush=2E Thanks :)

Anyone know why it came out today? Last issue said it was due on
Tuesday=2E I ended up having to spend money again; =A335 in two days - quit=
a lot for me (I also brought Queen+ Greatest Hits 3 and the new Adrian
Mole book)=2E

Very nice front cover this month=2E Stylish=2E Looks like a terribly arty
advert for a pretencious computer company or catalogue shop=2E Muchly

No adverts from Active this month though=2E Ho well=2E The Netconnect3
review is probably a decent substitute=2E Except for the AmIRC bit, which
seems trunctuated; "It still has the powerful plug-in system for
customisation, the easy-to-use multi-window GUI=2E" And then it stops=2E It
also says that nothing much has changed; well, how about the fact that
it now 'does' colour? Unimportant, but still significant enough to
warrant a mention=2E

Now if only Active get around to sending me my copy, I'll be ever so
happy :)
------------------------- =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D The Wibble =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D ------=
 This week's new words come from Jacqui Krapotkin's Soapwatch, along with
   news from Alan Pie and poetry in Kiddies Corner=2E "It's really great"
------- http://www=2Ethewibble=2Eco=2Euk --- http://www=2Ethe-wibble=2Eco=
=2Euk -------

Message 36716

From :"Daniel Thornton" <>
Subject: [afb] (Fwd) [Nick] Internet Joke
Date: 14 Nov 99 01:45:41 +0000
Horribly appropriate :)


Q: How many internet mail list subscribers does it take to change a light

A: 1,343

1 to change the light bulb and to post to the mail list that the light
bulb has been changed;

14 to share similar experiences of changing light bulbs and how the light
bulb could have been changed differently;

7 to caution about the dangers of changing light bulbs;

27 to point out spelling/grammar errors in posts about changing

53 to flame the spell checkers;

41 to correct spelling/grammar flames;

6 to argue over whether it's "lightbulb" or "light bulb"; another 6 to
condemn those 6 as anal-retentive;

156 to write to the list administrator about the light bulb discussion
and its inappropriateness to this mail list;

109 to post that this list is not about light bulbs and to please take
this email exchange to litebulb-l;

203 to demand that cross posting to grammar-l, spelling-l and
illuminati-l about changing light bulbs be stopped;

111 to defend the posting to this list saying that we all use light bulbs
and therefore the posts *are*relevant to this mail list;

306 to debate which method of changing light bulbs is superior, where to
buy the best light bulbs, what brand of light bulbs work best for this
technique and what brands are faulty;

27 to post URL's where one can see examples of different light bulbs;

14 to post that the URL's were posted incorrectly and the post the
corrected URL's;

3 to post about links they found from the URL's that are relevant to this
list which makes light bulbs relevant to this list;

33 to link all posts to date, then quote them including all headers and
footers and then add "Me too";

12 to post to the list that they are unsubscribing because they cannot
handle the light bulb controversy;

19 to quote the "Me too's" to say "Me three";

4 to suggest that posters request the light bulb FAQ;

44 to ask what is "FAQ".

Message 36717

From :"Neil Bullock" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amooga Format 131
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 15:14:28 -0000
> Awww, you're making me blush. Thanks :)


> Now if only Active get around to sending me my copy, I'll be ever so
> happy :)

Still haven't seen a copy of that. I'm lurking on their mailing list :)

Neil - Listening to Shania Twain... oh wait a minute.. I just used that on

Message 36718

From :Colin Buckenham <>
Subject: [afb] Another OS3.5 problem
Date: Sun, 01 Jan 1978 06:13:48 +0000
Hi All
I have just discovered another problem which I hope someone will be able to
help me with. Since installing OS3.5 I now find that I cannot use
I wish to change the prioities of my Hard Drive partitions but HD Toolbox
won't recognize my drive, it just comes up with a message saying that it has
found a drive at * location.
Anyone have any ideas?

All the best


In the land of the perfect the one eyed man is worthless.
But in the land of the blind the one eyed man is King


                                  100%  Amiga
                     Design,Printing &  Publishing
                      for small charities and other
                  non-profit making organizations


Message 36719

From :"Paul Cundle" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amooga Format 131
Date: 14 Nov 99 02:34:55 +0000
I just read a /very/ interesting mail where you said about [afb] Re: Amooga Format 131:

> > Now if only Active get around to sending me my copy, I'll be ever
> > so happy :)

> Still haven't seen a copy of that. I'm lurking on their mailing list
> :)

You know that's the equivalent of spying, don't you? And that's
illegal? Tch...

> Neil - Listening to Shania Twain... oh wait a minute.. I just used
> that on afb-ot

Yeah, you did. Can't you think of anything original to say in a 70
mail 3-way conversation?

Paul C, i'm afraid
... Some more samples of New Elements for the Periodic Table:
    1) Canadium, Eh: Similar to Americium, but a little denser.
    2) Innofensium, Pc: Precisely equal numbers of electrons, protons,
    neutrons, leptons, quarks. Completely inert, utterly useless, but smells
    like a rose.
    3) Cabmium, Cb: Found in abundance, except when needed. Exists in two
    states, in motion and at rest. When in motion, it cannot be stopped, no
    matter what you do. Cabmium has a charge associated with it. The charge is
    variable, and scientists have not determined the formula for calculating it.

Message 36720

From :"Neil Bullock" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amooga Format 131
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 15:50:01 -0000
> You know that's the equivalent of spying, don't you? And that's
> illegal? Tch...

Never mind. :) They'll get over it one day

> > Neil - Listening to Shania Twain... oh wait a minute.. I just used
> > that on afb-ot
> Yeah, you did. Can't you think of anything original to say in a 70
> mail 3-way conversation?

It was actually 86 mails :) We used just under 75% of the daily limit on
afb-ot :) 3 people. Bloody hell. It was fun though :)

Neil - Still listening to Shania Twain

Message 36721

From :"Neil Bullock" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amooga Format 131
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 15:56:45 -0000
> It was actually 86 mails :) We used just under 75% of the daily limit on
> afb-ot :) 3 people. Bloody hell. It was fun though :)

Hmm.. It's late. I didn't mean that :) I meant we'd used up the last half of
the limit, plus another half after that. As pointed out to me by my trusty
assistant, Naomi :) Anyway... I'm off to bed as soon as this song finishes...

Neil - Still listening to Shania Twain, then off to get a hot water bottle (or
2), then off to bed.

Message 36722

From :Tim Seifert <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Flakey multiview?
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 14:45:20 +1030
_Replying to a message_:

  From:  Neil Bullock <>
   Via:  Amiga Format mailing list <>
 Dated:  Saturday, 13-Nov-99, 22:18:12
 About:  [afb] Re: Flakey multiview?

Hello Neil,

> Multiview is buggy and unstable anyway. When reading AmigaGuides, the
> scrolling refuses to work with the arrow keys, and if I use the actual
> arrow buttons below the scrollbar, it crashes. Text is the same. And
> if I use the arrow keys when the scrollbar is halfway into the text,
> it goes back up to the top again. How irritating :)

I don't get those problems at all.  Lucky me.  I do have a problem with
the HTML, or hypertext, or combination of them, datatype.  Trying to
read one HTML page in Multiview is a sure way to a fatal system crash.
An other problem I've had, is with that patch that's supposed to allow
searching a guide, it causes fatal system crashes too.  And the last
thing I can think of is that some of the older guides won't load, or
display, at all (like the ones that come with some Octamed versions).

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)


(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia)

Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.

***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  ***

Message 36723

From :Tim Seifert <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Required, close up picture of A1200 motherboard
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 14:09:18 +1030
_Replying to a message_:

  From: <>
   Via:  Amiga Format mailing list <>
 Dated:  Sunday, 14-Nov-99, 03:16:55
 About:  [afb] Re: Required, close up picture of A1200 motherboard


> Anyhow, it looks like no one here seems to have pictures or know of
> pictures like I am after. Time for another crawl around the web :-(

I have a picture of a motherboard, but I don't know what version it is,
and you'd want one of yours (I can't recall why now, it was some time

I can't show you mine, when I rebuilt my Amiga, I made it as compact as
possible, and the motherboard is the least accessible part.  I was
thinking of taking pictures as I did it, for posterity's sake, but it
was too much of a hassle to arrange some way to do it productively, I
wish I had now.

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)


(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia)

Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.

***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  ***

Message 36724

From :Tim Seifert <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Mui cleaning
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 14:02:01 +1030
_Replying to a message_:

  From:  4-0 <>
   Via:  Amiga Format mailing list <>
 Dated:  Saturday, 13-Nov-99, 08:36:34
 About:  [afb] Mui cleaning

Hello 4-0,

> I've recently had to reinstalled MUI onto my system 'cos one of the
> updates was causing it to crash. I used snoopdos, but the crash
> prevented me from finding out what was causing the problem. Anyway
> everything is ok now, except that when I run snoopdos and load up the
> global mui prefs editor, i see that it's making requests for mcc's
> that i havent reinstalled yet. Is there a way I can flush this mcc
> list as it makes the mui proggy take longer to load.
> I hope you understood all that. Cheers

*Educated guess:*  Delete the files in Env:MUI and EnvArc:MUI
(preference settings for MUI), and set all your program preferences

Actually, this may fix various problems that occur after updating MUI
libraries.  This seems to be a recurring problem, and I can only guess
that various MUI authors are inconsistent at how they handle their own
preferences between versions.  The other solution suggested to me was
to simple re-do the preferences, without erasing them first, but the
end result is the same (redoing everything), and you still have the
risk of missing something.

*Tip:*  Rather than set up each program individually, set your global
preferences the way you want things, and only customise a particular
programs settings if you have to.  This means smaller, or less, prefs
files in the Env:MUI & EnvArc:MUI directories, and (of course) a more
uniform look between programs.

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)


(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia)

Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.

***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  ***

Message 36725

From :"Ian Armstrong" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: those classic games
Date: 14 Nov 99 05:22:38 +0000
On 11 Nov 99 22:07:11 -0500, Ian Urie wrote:
> On 11-Nov-99 10:37:45, fd700990 said about [afb] those classic games:
> > Does anyone have an idea where i can download old speccy or amiga games
> > from the internet.  I'm especially talkin about Arkanoid, Back 2
> > school, out run, the alechemist, zoom, ant attack, etc.
> > It would be gratefully appreciated
> > honest
> Spectrum games can be found at
> or

Or even try the huge archive at World Of Spectrum. It's larger than the
old NVG archive and is still updated.

ICQ #7190975

Message 36726

From :Tim Seifert <>
Subject: [afb] Vidi Amiga RT
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 18:13:21 +1030

Does anyone know if there are alternative software for using the
VidiRT24?  I've got the proper one, but it's hideous (and I don't have
documentation, grrr).

Also, does anyone know if the edge connector on the PCB (inside the
case) is connectable to anything?

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)


(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia)

Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.

***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  ***

Message 36727

Subject: [afb] Problems with Voyager viewing eGroups
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 03:05:10 -0800
Is anyone one else out there having problems viewing any eGroups in
voyager3 pre5? The messages are so cluttered up with bits of
overlapping HTML, I'm having to read the damn source of the messages
just to make heads of tails of them. Please help!!

Satan >:)
All hail Amiga

Message 36728

From :"Jonathan M. Dudley" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Epson Photo 750 ?
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 11:36:01 +0000
Darren wrote:

> After the article earlier in July's AF about the Epson Photo 700 I
> decided that my Star dot matrix printer was alittle old hat. I am
> thinking of and currently looking at buying the Epson Photo 750.
> Does anyone have any experience with this printer?  am I likely to
> achieve reasonable photographic quality with my miggy ? is the printer
> supported by Turboprint (which I am intending to buy) ?

Last I checked, it was on the 'coming soon' list. It may well be available
by now. The 750 itself produces amazing quality prints - you have to squint
hard to differentiate them from photos. Whether the Turboprint driver will
give the full benefit remains to be seen, but I don't see why not.

> My goal is to buy a reasonable quality inkjet for home use. I would
> like to be able to print out some of my scanned photos. I currently
> use a HP deskjet 1100 (I think thats the number, but could be wrong)
> at work on a PeeSee which gives very good results for an inkjet.

While the 750 is great for photo-printing, I'm told the 740 is a better 'all
rounder". I think it has been superceded by the 760 now, so 740s should be
available at a lower price.

Hope this helps.

When I'm feeling down, I like to whistle. It makes the neighbour's dog run
to the end of his chain and gag himself.

Message 36729

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: What good is OS3.5? (was The new issue)
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 12:01:39 +0000 (GMT)
On Fri, 12 Nov 1999, Richard Drummond wrote:

> OS3.5 offers a lot more than just the surface dressing. I think that
> Haage&Partner have done a damn fine job, especially considering the
> time-scale. If you consider yourself a faithful Amiga user, you should go
> out and buy OS3.5 just to show your support, if nothing else. That's the
> only way we'll see further updates.

yes, lets face it, how often do we see the AmigaOS upgraded? even during
C='s years we'd be looking to at least 2 years between revisions.

I find myself getting the newest Linux kernel every month. And updating
the full installation with latest versions every 3 months.

Upgrading the AmigaOS is a real treat....and as Richard said, to a
'newer user' (which can either be someone new, or someone who has kept a
basic display and not investigated patches and enhancement tools) a
workbench after a basic os3.5 installation looks damn fine!


Message 36730

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: 060 woes. . .
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 12:03:40 +0000 (GMT)
On Sat, 13 Nov 1999, Andy Kinsella wrote:

> Library and setpatch versions are:
> 68040 - 44.1
> 68060 - 44.3 both of these were on the disk along with cyber patcher
> etc. I've tried other versions found in various places, but they make
> it very unstable. . .
> If you can suggest better versions, I'll give 'em a try.

yes! on the Phase5 web site

> That suggests a dry joint or somewhat else heat effected; but maybe it
> could be summat else. Christ knows :)

have you tried cleaning the board contact with alcohol (no, not 'Ole
Featherbow special', but neat stuff),


Message 36731

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: ZII Board & Powerflyer
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 12:08:16 +0000 (GMT)
On Sat, 13 Nov 1999, Darren Silcock wrote:

> Can anyone help,
> Will a powerflyer fit under the Micronik ZII board or Z4 board. I need
> faster transfer

if you get a Z4 board, why not get a zorro IDE controller?


Message 36732

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: The new issue
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 12:10:57 +0000 (GMT)
On 13 Nov 1999, Phil Ellis wrote:

> value for money. I'll let all you suckers buy 3.5 and I'll wait for 4.0 (If it
> ever comes)

...if too many people have the same attitude, then there wont be an os4


Message 36733

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: BVisionPPC Status and AteoBus
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 12:14:40 +0000 (GMT)
On Sat, 13 Nov 1999, Wesley Potter wrote:

> Voodoo!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! The Ateo Bus is ISA so I doubt it would be a
> voodoo, come to think of it I don't recall any 3D cards that fit into a ISA
> slot so are they changing it to PCI hmmm....

no, they are making their own card. as i said, it wont be a fast
implementation due to the access speeds and nonDMA aspects of their


Message 36734

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: The new issue
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 12:17:21 +0000 (GMT)
On 13 Nov 1999, Phil Ellis wrote:

> <even bigger sigh>
> Yes I do see, but I won't buy a product just on the promise that the next one
> will be worth having. We've had plenty of promises broken to know how much
> they're worth.

yes, but H&P have delivered os3.5, as they said they would. we didnt
have to go into that 'We need 500 prepaid orders now to make the
product' (and then never make it!) junk.


Message 36735

From :Ken Walsh <>
Subject: [afb] clock
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 12:26:32 +0000

I'm having trouble with my second hand Blizzard 1260 the clock time its always
wrong it must be the battery or something its Ok for a day or so then gains
say 40mins in a couple of days, are they easy to take out and replace. I have
other Blizzard cards a 1220 and 1230 all with working batteries could I take
them out and change them.

Apart from resetting it at bootup all is working great one last thing what
graphics cards are available for a towered up A1200 (EZ-Tower) what prices
are they and which is best. I use for normal 'net stuff plus use ADPro v2.5 a
lot for scanning etc

See You
                 Cheers all the best


Message 36736

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: clock
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 13:35:02 +0000 (GMT)
On Sun, 14 Nov 1999, Ken Walsh wrote:

> Apart from resetting it at bootup all is working great one last thing what
> graphics cards are available for a towered up A1200 (EZ-Tower) what prices
> are they and which is best. I use for normal 'net stuff plus use ADPro v2.5 a
> lot for scanning etc

if you have a ZorroBUSBoard (or Z4 cards) then you can use all the ZII
gfx cards that you can buy. CyberVision3D (can use Warp3D with it),
PicassoIV, that GVP one :-), you'll most likely need to get the 'gfx
adapter' to use the card to its fullest


Message 36737

From :Jon Barker <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Epson Photo 750 ?
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 08:28:27 +0000
Hello Darren

On 13-Nov-99, Darren Silcock wrote:

> My goal is to buy a reasonable quality inkjet for home use. I would
> like to be able to print out some of my scanned photos. I currently
> use a HP deskjet 1100 (I think thats the number, but could be wrong)
> at work on a PeeSee which gives very good results for an inkjet.

    I have an Epson Stylus Color 200, a bit old and I wouldn't buy it now.
I would recommend seperate ink wells, have you seen how much new ones cost?
 I know you can buy refill kits, but the hassle of refilling a three colour
cartridge is a real pain.  Make sure you buy an Ink Jet with a Black and
Colour cartridge that can be used at the sametime, this will save much
colour ink.

    All the above suggestions do not make for a good print out, and this
must be seen before buying.  I would also suggest checking out the price
guide for consumables, it's no good buying a 80 (Pound) printer and the
ink costs 30 (Pound), and runs out after a few pages,

    PLEASE do not make your mails to multiple users, I don't like the idea
of this mail going to half a dozen other lists,

Jon Barker                         ICQ:20786000

Message 36738

From :"Jonathan M. Dudley" <>
Subject: [afb] 060/3.5 problems
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 14:25:26 +0000
Hi all,

I'm having problems installing 3.5 on Dad's A4000. I've installed the 3.1
ROMs with no hassle, installed OS3.1 and run the OS3.5 pre-installation.

Now the darn thing won't boot. The HD spins up and makes an attempt but,
after a few whirrs and clicks, nothing more except the power light dims

The miggy's sporting a GVP G-Force 060 accelerator, so I suspected that. I
booted with no startup-sequence and it worked fine. I commented-out Setpatch
in the startup, and that works too, but now the OS3.5 install gets confused
and prompts me to do a pre-install.  :(

I'm just a wee bit out of me depth now. Any possible assistance/suggestions
would be really appreciated.

Accept that some days you're the pigeon, and some days you're the statue.

Message 36739

From :Patrice Champarou <>
Subject: [afb] Re: 3.5 hints ( was: Flakey multiview)
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 15:52:20 +0200
Hello Wesley

On 13-Nov-99, you wrote:

>> I am currently using OS3.0, and yes I will be upgrading to 3.5 but 
>> not for a couple of months.
> BTW you're not alone in
> waiting a couple of months before upgrading I'm waiting for the niggly
> bits to be ironed out first.

  If I'm not mistaken, this looks like the missing entry I had pointed out
in Ben's poll.

  Anyway, now that I've installed 3.5 ( two weeks after everyone else ),
I wish I could read all the previous mail that would, at last, make sense
for me. Sorry I deleted most of it!

  Is there an easy way of downloading it again, without having to stay
online for hours? Or is there any article on the next AFB issue ( which
I'm waiting for ) giving nice tricks about how to setup the


Message 36740

Subject: [afb] Wipeout2097
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 07:07:45 -0800
I hear that wipeout2097 has been released.  Has anyone purchased this

Is it running as good as the original playstation version or has it met
the original promises and become far superior to the original.

How well does it run under BlizzPPC 160 and Bvision.

I am planning on ordering the game next week so a good report is welcome


Message 36741

Subject: [afb] Re: ITX-files in C4d?
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 07:09:59 -0800
andy kinsella <> wrote: 
original article:

> I suggest you ditch c4d and use imagine. There are a couple of hundred
> mathematical textures for you to get your teeth into :)

Pitty, I was afraid of that.
Another question then, How do I get imagine to work on a 656x495 
productivity screen without using ModePro?

I can't get it right in the Imagine prefs.


Message 36742

Subject: [afb] Re: Problems with Voyager viewing eGroups
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 07:27:11 -0800
> Is anyone one else out there having problems viewing any eGroups in
> voyager3 pre5? The messages are so cluttered up with bits of
> overlapping HTML, I'm having to read the damn source of the messages
> just to make heads of tails of them. Please help!!

Hi Satan,
Yes, I am too.  And unfortunately it now effects the site as well.  I am on the Netconnect mailing
list (send an email to with "Subscribe" in the
subject or main body) and have brought this up.

Apparently, V has still got problems with tables.  They are working on
it but you could still send a (polite) email to vapor saying exactly
what the problem is.

As for myself, I click on the "reply" button to read all the text. 
But Im getting fed up so Im going over to individual mails only.  And
every time a new Pre Voyager release comes out I will test it with
egroups till they sort the problem out.


Bifford the Youngest.

Message 36743

Subject: [afb] Re: Problems with Voyager viewing eGroups
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 07:33:34 -0800
> > Is anyone one else out there having problems viewing any eGroups in
> > voyager3 pre5? The messages are so cluttered up with bits of
> > overlapping HTML, I'm having to read the damn source of the messages
> > just to make heads of tails of them. Please help!!
Hi, satan

Have you tried using Aweb and Ibrowse. Also try disabling the loding of
Not sure if it will help but you never know unless you try.


Message 36744

From :"Bruce" <>
Subject: [afb] test again-ignore
Date: 14 Nov 99 15:46:10 +0000
test agaaiiin

Message 36745

Subject: [afb] Gameboy Color Emu
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 07:55:49 -0800
Just a note to say that there is a new gamebay emulator out.

check out

It does require ppc but i can not say how it performes as I am
downloading it as I write this. Now go have a look.


Message 36746

Subject: [afb] POLL: Floppy disks
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 07:58:24 -0800
14/11/99 How often do you use floppies nowadays?


Please select one of the following:

   o Daily and regularly!
   o Maybe once a day.
   o Once every couple of days.
   o Once a week.
   o Once a fortnight.
   o Once a month.
   o Only when I need to reinstall a program from disk, or to play an old game.
   o Never!

by going to the following Web form:

Thank you!

Message 36747

Subject: [afb] Re: Problems with Voyager viewing eGroups
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 08:11:18 -0800
Well I'm here in IBrowse now, bit slow and the images look ugly but at
least I can read everything now although I do have to click on links
4/5 times before I can get there, I keep getting `un-expected error:
Thanks for the help!

By the way, any M$ and Windows haters take a look in Windoze eGroup.
For now it only has 2 members but it's only half a day old.

Satan >:)
All hail Amiga!!

Message 36748

Subject: [afb] Re: Problems with Voyager viewing eGroups
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 08:20:30 -0800
> By the way, any M$ and Windows haters take a look in Windoze eGroup.
> For now it only has 2 members but it's only half a day old.

I would, but you have not mention where to find the group.


Message 36749

Subject: [afb] MakeCD latest!
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 08:35:45 -0800
Makecd 3.2c released.  

Go to to download latest version.
hope it has support for my drive now.


Message 36750

Subject: [afb] Windoze
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 08:40:01 -0800
Join the Windoze eGroup now!

If you want to slag off Windows and M$ then subscribe to Windoze eGroup
and tell everyone why you hate it!

Satan >:)
All hail Amiga!!

Message 36751

From :Darren Silcock <>
Subject: [afb] Re: What good is OS3.5? (was The new issue)
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 16:39:28 +0100
>This is now the Standard OS and looks more attractive for a new buyer. To
>get 3.0/3.1 to this level, patches and hacks have to be involved, a new
>user doesn't want this. They want a good looking GUI which is easy to use
>as soon as they switch it on. Yes 3.0/3.1 is easy to use, but at today's
>standards it's not very nice to look at.

And there are soooo many people out there buying new Amigas to get
impressed. :-/


That kind of attitude will get you far.

Message 36752

From :Bert Volders <>
Subject: [afb] OS3.5: How to get AMail to download mails?
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 17:32:54 +0100

Yesterday I've got myself OS3.5. In its core it seems a good system, though I
must figure out a lot of stupid occurences. What really anoyed me was
AmigaMail. Somehow it refuses to connect to the POP3 server. I am able to
send mails using it [note - this mail is still done with yam]. So where
should I look? Where's the documentation on the program? Anybody, help.

Bert Volders
^^^^^Don't go there, its not finished yet...
ICQ_Nick: Speedy
ICQ_UIN: 38809545

Message 36753

From :Andrew Crowe <>
Subject: [afb] Re: clock
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 17:42:11 +0000
Hi Everybody,

> I'm having trouble with my second hand Blizzard 1260 the clock time its=
> wrong it must be the battery or something its Ok for a day or so then g=
> say 40mins in a couple of days, are they easy to take out and replace. =
I =

   But it works most the time right?  Just get one of those time correcti=
on utilities on aminet, so every time you go online, if it's gained some =
time, it'll be automatically corrected.

   As for changing the battery, isn't it soldered on? Anyway, you can try=
 if you like, but it may be a malicious program fiddling with the clock, =
no a dead battery (as presumably if the battery was going it would reset =
back to 91 or whenever...)

See ya :)
-- =

       Manta Soft  -  Amiga programing & web page designing
       ICQ: 21829166        =

 Homepage updated 5/8/99 --- James Bond on GFX Card & CPU players!
  - ------------------- Quote of the day: -------------------- -
"Bother," said Pooh, as he built a glove with knives for fingers.

Message 36754

From :"Matthew Wise" <>
Subject: [afb] DOpus problems
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 17:44:32 -0000
Content-Type: text/plain;
content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable

Hi there ppl,
I recently bought Dopus Magellan II and installed it as WBR.  However I hav=
e a couple of problems/queries that I was hoping someone could answer...
1)  The filetype priorities seem to be f***ed up.  I set up a HTML filetype=
 as pri 0 and an ASCII filetype as pri -1.  Now when I right-click on an HT=
ML doc to choose a menu item both the HTML filetype menu items AND the less=
er priority ASCII filetype menu items are listed!!!
2)  With the internal Font Viewer - if I want to view a font via a function=
 (button,menu item etc.) I have to go to the font name text gadget (after r=
unning the function to call FontViewer) and hit return/enter for it to show=
 the font properly!!!
3)  I know there is a way to hide certain filename patterns in listers to p=
revent them being shown.  Can you do the same thing with directories?  I wa=
nt to be able to hide Clipboards, T and in the Ram Disk but can't=
 seem to be able to hide the two dirs.
Any help would be appreciated,
Matt W. - waiting over two months for Power C to get 100Mb zip drives in...

Content-Type: text/html;
content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<META content=3D"text/html; charset=3Diso-8859-1" http-equiv=3DContent-Type=
<META content=3D"MSHTML 5.00.2614.3401" name=3DGENERATOR>
<BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>Hi there ppl,</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>I recently bought Dopus Magellan II and installed it as=

WBR.  However I have a couple of problems/queries that I was hoping so=
meone =

could answer...</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>1)  The filetype priorities seem to be f***ed up.&=
nbsp; I =

set up a HTML filetype as pri 0 and an ASCII filetype as pri -1.  Now =
when =

I right-click on an HTML doc to choose a menu item both the HTML filetype m=
enu =

items AND the lesser priority ASCII filetype menu items are =

<DIV><FONT size=3D2>2)  With the internal Font Viewer - if I want to v=
iew a =

font via a function (button,menu item etc.) I have to go to the font name t=
ext =

gadget (after running the function to call FontViewer) and hit return/enter=
 for =

it to show the font properly!!!</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>3)  I know there is a way to hide certain filename=

patterns in listers to prevent them being shown.  Can you do the same =
thing =

with directories?  I want to be able to hide Clipboards, T and
fo in =

the Ram Disk but can't seem to be able to hide the two dirs.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>Any help would be appreciated,</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>Matt W. - waiting over two months for Power C to get 10=
0Mb zip =

drives in...</FONT></DIV>



Message 36755

From :=?iso-8859-1?q?Ant's=20Spam?= <>
Subject: [afb] Wordworth 4SE help! (was Wordworth, or what's happened to Digita?)
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 10:08:18 -0800 (PST)
Okay, no chance of upgrading then.  Is it possible to
use True Type fonts in Wordworth 4SE?  There's a draw
in WwFonts: for them, but the font installers that
come with Ww ignore any True Types I put in there. 
I've got TTFLib installed, but it ignores that too.

Secondly, is there any way of speeding up the print
output?  I upgraded from a Star LC-10 to a Canon
BJC250, expecting more than 1 page every 10 minutes. 
However, it's still slow!  And even when printing with
a print manager, or using CMD to output to a file in

My system:

16 mb fast
810 mb h/d


-----------------------------------------------------  -  New emu site!


Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at

Message 36756

Subject: [afb] WordWorth font blues
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 10:14:58 -0800
Ever since I installed OS3.5 Wordworth7 couldn't find the fonts it
needs. Iv'e done what the OS3.5 support page suggests to get it to
start at all but now thats out of the way it keeps complaining that
WordWorth cannot initialise the document! I've tried re-installing the
fonts and copying them from my OS3.1 backup into the new FONTS
directory but it wont go!
Any help, greatfuly recieved, thanx!

Satan >:)
All hail Amiga!!

Goto Windoze anti-microsoft eGroup @
Satan >:)
All hate M$!!

Message 36757

From :"Neil Bullock" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: WordWorth font blues
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 00:14:53 -0000
> Ever since I installed OS3.5 Wordworth7 couldn't find the fonts it
> needs. Iv'e done what the OS3.5 support page suggests to get it to
> start at all but now thats out of the way it keeps complaining that
> WordWorth cannot initialise the document! I've tried re-installing the
> fonts and copying them from my OS3.1 backup into the new FONTS
> directory but it wont go!

But have you tried reinstalling the whole of Wordworth? I seem to remeber than
WW is a fussy little thing when it comes to fonts, and the best thing to do
when it starts saying it can't initialise documents is to reinstall the whole


Message 36758

From :"Chris Dallimore" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: 060/3.5 problems
Date: 14 Nov 99 18:38:25 +0000
On Sun, 14 Nov 1999 14:25:26 +0000, Jonathan M. Dudley said:

> Hi all,
> I'm having problems installing 3.5 on Dad's A4000. I've installed the 3.1
> ROMs with no hassle, installed OS3.1 and run the OS3.5 pre-installation.
> Now the darn thing won't boot. The HD spins up and makes an attempt but,
> after a few whirrs and clicks, nothing more except the power light dims
> briefly.
> The miggy's sporting a GVP G-Force 060 accelerator, so I suspected that. I
> booted with no startup-sequence and it worked fine. I commented-out Setpatch
> in the startup, and that works too, but now the OS3.5 install gets confused
> and prompts me to do a pre-install.  :(

Check the 68040.library.
OS3.5 installs it's own version, but you probably need one specific for your
accelerator so will need to copy it back.


Message 36759

From :"Oliver Roberts" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: DOpus problems
Date: 14 Nov 99 18:42:28 +0000
On 14-Nov-99 17:44:32 GMT, Matthew Wise wrote:

> I recently bought Dopus Magellan II and installed it as WBR.  However I
> have a couple of problems/queries that I was hoping someone could
> answer...
> 1)  The filetype priorities seem to be f***ed up.  I set up a HTML
> filetype as pri 0 and an ASCII filetype as pri -1.  Now when I
> right-click on an HTML doc to choose a menu item both the HTML filetype
> menu items AND the lesser priority ASCII filetype menu items are
> listed!!!

Clearly HTML files match both your ASCII and HTML filetypes, so
perhaps this is actually a feature :)  In regards to priorities, I'm
sure they work in the above case - when you double-click on a HTML
file, the action for the HTML filetype will be done (it won't use
the ASCII double-click action because the priority for that filetype
is lower).

> 2)  With the internal Font Viewer - if I want to view a font via a
> function (button,menu item etc.) I have to go to the font name text
> gadget (after running the function to call FontViewer) and hit
> return/enter for it to show the font properly!!!

Can't say I've had a problem with this.  Are you sure you are passing
the right arguments to dopus5:c/ViewFont?  Without more details, it's
hard to say what's going wrong.

> 3)  I know there is a way to hide certain filename patterns in listers to
> prevent them being shown.  Can you do the same thing with directories?  I
> want to be able to hide Clipboards, T and in the Ram Disk but
> can't seem to be able to hide the two dirs. Any help would be

Hmmm... the show/hide filters don't appear to work with dirs, as you've
found.  However, one solution I can think of is to set the "Hidden"
checkbox in the lister options for the ram disk.  This will hide any
files with the h bit set.  And in your s:user-startup, add the following
two lines:

protect ram:clipboards +h
protect ram:t +h

BTW, note that you do not necessarily need to copy a to the
ram disk if you just want to have it use a custom image.  Instead, you
could define a new filetype and use the Disk command in "edit class"
(i.e. Disk RAM:).  Set the default icon for that filetype to your
ram disk icon, and hey presto :)  This is a much cleaner way of
doing things, IMHO.

P.S. you might be better off asking questions about DOpus on the DOpus
mailing list :)

 *Oliver Roberts*  -  Norwich, UK  -  Software Developer & Web Designer
 /  |  /  -  ICQ: 34640231
 Amiga Formula One pages  ==>

Message 36760

From :Andy Kinsella <>
Subject: [afb] Re: ITX-files in C4d?
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 16:43:57 +0000

On 14-Nov-99, you wrote:

> andy kinsella <> wrote: 
> original article:

>> I suggest you ditch c4d and use imagine. There are a couple of
>> hundred mathematical textures for you to get your teeth into :)

> Pitty, I was afraid of that.
> Another question then, How do I get imagine to work on a 656x495 
> productivity screen without using ModePro?

You can't, unless you have a graphics card. Imagine is hardcoded for
640x512/400, 800x600 and 1024x768. The last two will only work on gfx

As you probably know; promoting imagines screen cause some corruption;
so it's probably best to stick to 640x512/400 untill Martin gets
around to adding full support for the display database.

> I can't get it right in the Imagine prefs.

Soon, grasshopper.

> CU
> maarten


/PGP Key available on request/

Sex is hereditary. If your parents never had it, chances are you
won't either.
-- Murphy's laws on sex

Message 36761

From :"Anthony Prime" <>
Subject: [afb] Time Server (yes again...)
Date: 14 Nov 99 20:31:07 +0100

Sorry in advance for this one, but I've hit the wrong buttons on
Genesis and lost my configs :(

I can restore everything bar the time server url to check the clock.
Can someone give me the url of a decent one, and I promise I'll write
it down this time ;)

Anthony Prime
>>Milennium Bug? No Problem - Powered by Amiga in Crewe

Message 36762

From :"Jonathan Day" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Re:Some reason ( was Using Root to login. )
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 19:42:04 -0000
Hi 4-0

> > My utterly useless and OT fact for the day - if you send an email from a
> > computer at our college containing the word "unix" it won't get sent,
> > returning the error "Banned or potentially offensive content".
> Well, If you said "Scunthorp" in a certain Amiga irc channel, you'd be
> banned... I wonder why?   ;-)
> L8rs
> 4-0
Perhaps because they`re trying to improve your spelling ;-)

You`ve probably had to explain many times before, but......4-0 ?


Message 36763

From :"Paolo Rinaldi" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Flakey multiview?
Date: 14 Nov 99 20:52:13 +0100
Once upon a time there was a sage, Neil Bullock, who enlightened the world about [afb] Re: Flakey multiview?

> Multiview is buggy and unstable anyway. When reading AmigaGuides, the
> scrolling refuses to work with the arrow keys, and if I use the actual arrow
> buttons below the scrollbar, it crashes. Text is the same. And if I use the
> arrow keys when the scrollbar is halfway into the text, it goes back up to the
> top again. How irritating :)

I had the same thing happening before upgrading to OS 3.1: maybe you
have an old version of Multiview or a 3.1 version on a 3.0 system?

> Neil


... Old musicians never die, they just decompose.

Amiga 1200  040 + 603e 200 MHz, 24 Mb Fast, HD 1 GB, CD 24x
Paolo Rinaldi        

Message 36764

From :=?iso-8859-1?q?Ant's=20Spam?= <>
Subject: [afb] Anyone want to sell a Blizzard PPC board?
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 12:39:56 -0800 (PST)
Hey!  You can't wait to get a G4 accelerator, can you?
 No?  Then sell me your old and unwanted PPC board! 
Preferably a nice cheapy one, SCSI not necessary, nor
is any RAM.  An 040/25+603e/160 will do fine.

Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at

Message 36765

From :"Neil Bullock" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Flakey multiview?
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 02:41:42 -0000
> I had the same thing happening before upgrading to OS 3.1: maybe you
> have an old version of Multiview or a 3.1 version on a 3.0 system?

It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest :) But I'm so used to crashes and
breakdowns, I can't be bothered er... de-grading Multiview :)

> Paolo

 Neil - with a front door here, and a back door there  -
 Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity.

Message 36766

Subject: [afb] afb e mails
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 13:19:02 -0800
Hi guys,  I can't be the only one to have had this problem, but, when I
first signed on to the afb I used to get all the correspondence via
email. Now however since I performed some serious formating/partitionin
g on my A4000/060/84ishMB PIV/Paloma/Pablo/120+540HD's I can only get
to read the messages via the egroups page which is so slow.  If any
fellow amigan can point me in the right direction so I can use
microdotII again I would be most grateful.  many thanks Dave Porter

Message 36767

Subject: [afb] Re: Wipeout2097
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 13:31:54 -0800
hi Matt,

> I hear that wipeout2097 has been released.  Has anyone purchased this
> yet.

I just got my copy yesterday (happy happy!! joy joy!!)

> Is it running as good as the original playstation version or has it
> the original promises and become far superior to the original.
> How well does it run under BlizzPPC 160 and Bvision.

I can't say how well it will run on a 160Mhz PPC but on my 200Mhz board
it runs 
just fine, you will need at least 28/29MB of FREE fastram or else
you'll be 
getting WapOS exceptions all the time. I've only played the PSX version
but the Amiga version looks better :-) 

The only (small) problems with the game are that on my Amiga CDDA just
to work and that the MPEG playing routines suck (I've viewed the mpeg
with Amidog's brilliant AMP and it makes them look MUCH better)
> I am planning on ordering the game next week so a good report is
> Matt
> ----

Message 36768

From :Andy Sillwood <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Time Server (yes again...)
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 21:46:06 +0100
On 14-Nov-99, Anthony Prime ( wrote:

> Can someone give me the url of a decent one, and I promise I'll write
> it down this time ;)



Andrew Sillwood - - - ICQ:13697313
 Connected via Free4all - - Free Internet Access

Message 36769

From :=?iso-8859-1?Q?St=E9phan?= MARTIN <>
Subject: [afb] Re: WordWorth font blues
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 22:51:09 +0200

jsut go back in your Workbench back-up, in the prefs/env-Archive drawer you can find a drawer called Wordworth. The only thing you have to do is to copy it in the prefs/env-archive drawer of the new Workbench.

Stphan - -

Message 36770

From :=?iso-8859-1?q?Ant's=20Spam?= <>
Subject: [afb] Quake
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 14:17:01 -0800 (PST)
Where can I buy, apart from over the net from
ClickBoom's website?


Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at

Message 36771

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] mmu
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 12:08:26 +0100
On 11-Nov-99, Andy Kinsella wrote:

> Still on MMU's, I also have a full 030, but the MMU is shown as Not in
> use, is it somehow knackered or what? :/

Perhaps its.....SHOCK!....not in use?....unless you have vmm, a mac emulator
or something else active, it wouldn't be

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

The wrong way always seems the more reasonable.

Message 36772

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: 060 woes. . .
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 12:06:48 +0100
On 11-Nov-99, Andy Kinsella wrote:

> Wen I first power up, it goes into a reset loop (power towert LED
> flashing away) then it gradually gets further into the
> startup-sequence. . .

I would put that down to a dodgey keyboard interface. try it with it
unplugged (the interface, not just the keyboard) and see if that helps. I'm
sure it will

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy

Message 36773

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: A simle idea for a huge survival campaign!
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 12:15:03 +0100
On 12-Nov-99, Alan L.M. Buxey wrote:

>> Dear fellows,
>> Let's face it: Amiga is living it's last moments as a computer... it's
>> passing away!

> ..well, almost..but we can help to stop this.

I ried booting up my pc yesterday, and remembered why I use the miggy for
most things, reliability. It was fine yesterday, but today when I wanted to
boot up, it wouldn't, it sat there on the login screen with the busy
pointer. Sure when it works, it works excellently, but it just stops for no
reason too much. Its not just me, the 300-odd pcs at college do this 4-5
times a day ritually. all my mates have this happen to them at least once a
week, each requiring hours of work to get them working again (usually
involving a reinstall)

So next time you think to yourself, its all old and crap, remember:

"It works, and its productive"

The downtime on my pc far exceeds the slow cpu on my 030

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

How wise are they who are but fools in love?

Message 36774

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: a1200 motherboard fix
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 12:16:34 +0100
On 13-Nov-99, Darren Silcock wrote:

> can any one tell me where the reported parts are on the a1200
> motherboard are that need to be removed. I have the documentation
> saying which they are but i cant find them on the motherboard are they
> near the budgie chip or near the clock port please help as I think this

budgie chip, on the other side...alllll alone....

> is the cause of all my random crashes which dont come up with gurus.
> Ive taken evry precaution to ensure a stable system including fan on
> bvision. This prob is so frustrating its untrue!

Very unlikely. These parts only affect the clockport and the pcmia slot.
I've heard no problems with the cpu slot at all

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

SYSOP: The guy that is laughing at your typing!

Message 36775

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] replying
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 12:18:19 +0100
On 12-Nov-99, Darren Silcock wrote:

> Having a deadline on reading/replying to messages is un-realistic. I
> myself check mail everynight, by this time there are usually dozons of
> replies to paticular messages.

SO!!??? Just because one person has given an answer, does it mean he is
right?, or that is the only way of doing it? or that he has worded it well
enough to be understood?

If you can help, reply regardless of what others have said

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

665:  Across the street from the Beast and one down.

Message 36776

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amooga Format 131
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 12:23:02 +0100
On 12-Nov-99, wrote:
> Oh, one last thing - are we not getting the extra Christmas Edition? 
> You refer to this as as the Christmas edition (on the CD notice, front
> cover) but its not very christmassy.  And the next issue is a 2K one.

I'm just glad the cd isn't red again, purpley-blue :)

ps. slightly narked that we've lost even more pages :(

Mash - narked
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

Envy is thin because it bites but never eats.

Message 36777

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Mathias
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 12:25:38 +0100
On 12-Nov-99, Henry Chung wrote:

> P.S. I dont want to hurt you but I did received a priate mail on 30
> October by the Amiga Co. Web Master, Mathias to say that "unfortunatly I
> have to leave Amiga, too" :[

Mathias?...hmmm that name seems very familiar...who is he?

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

Mistrust first impulses, they are always good.

Message 36778

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: HELP ME!!!!
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 12:30:16 +0100
On 12-Nov-99, Peter Lewis wrote:

> The other day I installed Syndicate on DH1: and I was playing it quite
> happily, then I saved it, and when it finished saving, I turned it off. I

Oh dear. syndicate and themepark both have a weeee problem in that if you
don't quit the game using F10 then it invalidates your drive. Remember that
when you (if) play it next time.

No its not in the manual, I phoned their support line a while ago

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

The me that you know is now made up of wires - NIN

Message 36780

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Wordworth, or what's happened to Digita?
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 14:30:15 +0100
On 13-Nov-99, Ant's Spam wrote:

> I've got a few questions to ask Digita about Wordworth
> 4SE (like why is it so slow at printing, even when
> outputting to a file?), but when I looked at their
> website ( it was full of Microsoft and
> solutions to tax problems.  What's happened?

We've been dropped like an ugly freak baby at birth

ww is slow at printing, always has been. what dpi is the printer set at?

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

"You're not Superman, Richie." - Duncan MacLeod

Message 36781

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] 3.5
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 14:23:49 +0100
On 11-Nov-99, Phil Ellis wrote:

> I am all for progress, but there has to be a point to it. If OS3.5 had
> been revolutionary and added a lot of new or improved features then I
> would definitely support it. I won't buy something just "to keep the Amiga
> alive". I don't think it will make a blind bit of difference in the long
> term anyway.

My sentiments *exactly* It offer nothing new, just fixes of old
problems.Plus quite frankly I can do without spending hours finding which
patches work and which don't. In fact if it meant I could do away with
stuff like visualprefs, mcp, waitvalidate and so on then I might consider,
but it doesn't, not even the sodding clicking drive was fixed! :P

> My next spare 60 is going towards Photogenics.

Mine is on netconnect 3 and maybe PG (unless I win it on amibench :))

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

Female sex change operation: An Adadicktome.

Message 36782

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: The new issue
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 14:25:29 +0100
On 12-Nov-99, Peter Gordon wrote:

> <sigh> If Haage and Partner don't sell 20,000 copies of 3.5, they wont
> make 3.6, 3.7, 4.0 etc. etc. New and revolutionary features in the OS
> simply wont *ever* appear if you dont support their efforts to upgrade our
> OS for us. Do you see?

I support most effort, its just that not much effort seems to have gone into
3.5, thats the problem. I'll buy whichever version gives me gfx card and
sound card support, and ppc support. I expected these as a minimum

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

A vasectomy means never having to say you're sorry

Message 36783

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Scala and music
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 14:17:52 +0100
On 13-Nov-99, James Grist wrote:

> I'm trying to put some scrolling credits on the end of a video (for a
> school project) and I want to have some music playing at the same
> time. Any ideas on how to get a track from a cd into a format that
> scala MM300 can use? I can use MakeCD to get a raw file, an aiff or a wav,
> but scala cant play these.

yes it can. pretty sure. If not then either

convert it using something from aminet


make a .mod and use the wav file once

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

Official Blue Wave Betazoid (now, where's Deanna Troi?)

Message 36784

From :Peter Gordon <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Why buy OS3.5 (was: The new issue)
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 18:16:17 +0000
> <even bigger sigh>
> Yes I do see, but I won't buy a product just on the promise that the ne=
xt one
> will be worth having. We've had plenty of promises broken to know how m=
> they're worth.

<the biggest sigh that has ever been sighed in the whole world ever>
Look at it from H&P's point of view. They've been charged with the task o=
f bringing a 5 year
old OS up to date in almost no time at all. If theres no interest in what=
 they're doing, they're
wasting a LOT of time and effort for nowt. Personally, I want an OS3.6, 3=
=2E7, etc. so I'm buying
OS3.5. Plus, don't you want less patches on your system?!


so long and thanks for all the fish

Real meanings #5:
AmigaBASIC: A Microsoft Incompatible Gnarled American Backwards Arsed Stu=
pid Incoherent Code

Message 36785

From :Frost <>
Subject: [afb] Re: HELP ME!!!!
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 17:04:03 +0100
Hi Peter

On 12-Nov-99, you wrote:

> The other day I installed Syndicate on DH1: and I was playing it quite
> happily, then I saved it, and when it finished saving, I turned it off. I
> turned it onthe next day, and it was validating the hard drive, which I
> don't mind, as most HD Installed games seem to do that when you save to hard
> drives anyway (I think! I HOPE!)

Syndicate seems to invalidate everyone's drive I've ever heard of. Anyone know
whether PFS is affected by it?

> I WOULD format it again, but it has all my stuuf on, and I can't get to
> mount it without it crashing, so formatting it is a bit dificult.

Load up off a boot disk and run a decent disk fixing program.

And remember - keep regular backups!

Be careful of reading health books, you might die of a misprint. - Mark Twain